15- I'm Alive!

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The next morning, Niall woke up to someone quietly calling his name and shaking him lightly.

"Wake up, beautiful." He heard Harry's voice say. Niall was about to tell Harry to shut up and sleep but he remembered where they were.

He opened his eyes and looked at Harry's face.

"What a beautiful way to wake up." Niall said and yawned eliciting a chuckle from Harry.

"Good morning to you too." The older lad said.

"What time is it?" Niall asked after he'd rolled his eyes.

"A little after five. You have to get up before Louis and Zayn." Harry said and Niall groaned but he knew that Harry was right.

"I wanna sleep some more." Niall kept whining.

"I know you do, baby." Harry said and kissed Niall's forehead. "But you gotta get up."

Niall sat up and looked at Harry questioningly. "Are you okay?" He quirked an eyebrow. "You have been so affectionate lately."

"Is it a bad thing?" Harry smirked. "I know you love it."

Niall rolled his eyes and yawned again. He then went on to stand up and put on his briefs, sweats, jumper and lastly his shoes.

When he took a step, he hissed making Harry's head shoot up.

"Are you okay? You are really sore, aren't you?" Harry asked but Niall scoffed.

"I'm fine, it's nothing I haven't felt before." He said. "I'll see you later."

Harry waved and when Niall was outside, he cursed Harry's big size.

He was almost at his tent when he heard someone call his name and he froze.

"Niall!" He turned around and was met by none other than Andrew.

"Hey Andrew." Niall waved at the approaching lad.

"Morning, where are you coming from this early." Andrew asked Niall curiously.

Niall looked around and thought about what he as gonna say. "From the loo? I had to wee?" It came out more like a question and he hoped Andrew would buy it.

Luckily he did.

"Oh I see. I'm an early riser. Wanna do something fun before the camp is awake?" He asked excitedly and Niall looked at him funny but nodded, still.

"Let's go skinny dipping!" He said excitedly and it was so strange for Niall to see Andrew of all people acting like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Isn't it a little too cold for skinny dipping?" Niall asked and shivered at the mere thought.

"That's what makes it exciting, now come on." He tugged at Niall's hand but Niall was still hesitant.

"What if we get caught? Mr. Payne said not go anywhere without his or Mr. Styles' permission."

"Oh please who cares about prissy teachers." Andrew said and began tugging a reluctant Niall behind him.

Niall went a little bit more willingly but not before mumbling, "They are not prissy."


After the morning routine, the students along with the teachers found themselves at the water fall, swimming.

Niall and Andrew didn't get caught but it was only by an inch. Louis and Zayn had also been hot on Niall's case and asked him why he went skinny dipping without waking either of them up.

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