"How do you know Mrs. Gilbert was the one for you?" Otto asked me. There is no way I'm telling anyone the real reason why Luci and I are married. She would never be able to show her face in Jefferson, Kansas ever again. 

"She cooks better then my mama. And I love my mama's cookin, but Luci is a better cook. Plus she makes me happy. Before Luci all I was living in the mountains---" Otto cut me off. 

"And that's what I want to do sir. I want to leave this town and live in the mountains." Otto told me. I smiled at him. 

"I love living up there. And I lived there for 5 years on my own, but son it was lonely. I thank God now, I went to town that day and saw my Luci for the first time. She's my saving Grace." I told him. Otto looked at me. 

"But she lived with you in these mountains sir. Why did you ever want to leave from up there?" Otto said to me. 

"I couldn't keep them safe up there. It was my choice to leave the mountains. Not that I want to leave I had my business up there, a small cabin and I was right in the middle of building a new cabin for Luci." I told him. Otto looked at me. 

"What happened sir?" Otto asked me. 

"Injuns. They broke into our home and well, McRoy and I got them but I was scared for my wife and our unborn daughter at the time. So if you want to live up there I say do it while you are single. But if times were different and Mrs. Gilbert and I were closer to age I would have been happy to stay in town for her, just like I am now." I told him. 

"Thanks sir." Otto told me. 

"Plus that young Ms. Matthews is a good cook." I told him. He looked at me. 

"How do you know that sir?" Otto asked me. 

"For one call me 'Brantley' and two she sells pie for a penny. It was a cherry pie and I don't care for cherry I'm more into---" Otto cut me off.

"I love cherry pie." Otto said. 

"Apple pie" I said to him. I looked right at him. 

"I think you need to think about what you want in life now. Like I said I thank God everyday for my Luci, I just wish I wasn't so much older then her. Give us more years together." I told him. Otto shook his head at me. I know he is doing a lot of thinking. 

Took another 3 hours before we got to Happy Valley. We was riding into town when we saw a group of men with guns standing in front of the store. I pulled the sled over. 

"We ain't got nothing for ya." Some man said to us. Otto looked at me. 

"We are here to see Doc Black. He has meds for---" Some man cut me off. 

"You Gilbert and Ludwig." He asked us. 

"Yes sir. I'm Brantley Gilbert. This is Otto. Doc Addison sent us." I told him shaking his hand. 

"I'm Dr. Black. So glad you are here. Snow has been crazy." Doc Black told me. 

"Yes sir it has." I told him. 

"Okay men start loading up this sled. These men need to get the meds back to Jefferson in a quick like." Doc Black told everyone. 

"Brantley, Otto please come inside for a few minutes. I have some warm food for you and some tea." Doc Black told us. 

"We really need to be going sir." I told him. 

"I had a feeling you would say that so let me get you the basket that Mrs. Black made for you--" Doc Black was cut off by a woman walking over to our sled. 

"Mr. Gilbert." She asked me. 

"Yes ma'am." I said to her. 

"Mrs. Black. Please take this. There's chicken, bread, cheese and some jars of water for you. You and this young man are in my prayer and same for you small town." Mrs. Black said to Otto and myself. 

"Thank you ma'am. This is so nice of you all. And Doc Addison to give you this." I pulled out a $10. 

"That old man. He did this on purpose. He knew I would have to take it from you. Tell the old bastard that I will get him for this." Doc. Black said to me. 

"Yes sir I sure will." I said to him. 

"Okay the wagon is ready Doc." Some man said. I looked at everyone. 

"I don't know how to tell you all this, but we do thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, my town thank you all." I said to them. 

"Oh wait. I got some blankets for you all. I see you only have one each. Please take these. Make a good family blanket when the times comes." Mrs. Black said to Otto. His face turned red. 

"Well, wouldn't Ms. Matthews like that Otto." I said to the young 18 year old stud next to me. 

"Shut up Gilbert." Otto said to me. I laughed as hard as I can. I like this German kid. 

"Well we must be going. Thank you again sir." I said to Doc Black, shaking his hand again. 

"Your welcome. Boys make sure none of them boxes fall off. Gilbert and this young man don't need no trouble. You got guns with you right sir." Doc asked me. 

"Yes sir" I said to him. 

"Good. Send us a telegram when you make it back home." Doc told me. I looked at him. 

"Yes sir." I said to him. 

"Good. Tell Addison I'm still a better town doctor then that old man." Doc Black said to me. Little does he know I think we got the best town doctor. 

"Yes sir." I said to him. 

"Okay boys let's go home." I said to the team. After a few minutes of riding Otto looked at me. 

"What is it Otto?" I asked him. 

"When we get back I'm going to ask Sally to court me." Otto said to me. I looked at him. 

"Smart man." I said to him. 

"Then after school I will get a job and I will build her a proper home." Otto said to me. 

"Don't tell me just do it son" I told him. 

"Yes sir. Why am I nerves. I mean I knew this girl for 5 years now." Otto said to me. 

"Yes but now you like her it's different this time." I said to him. Otto gave me a nod. 

All I know it's going to take us another 2 days to get back to Jefferson and that's only if the snow will stay down. The boy and me are both cold, tired and I need my family right now. Only a few more days then I'll be in there arms again. 







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