Chapter 10: Late for Math Tuition (Part 1)

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"Naya, I won't be able to pick you up from school and send you to your math tutoring today," Chris said while spreading cream cheese to his bagel.
"I need you to have your lunch in your school canteen and then take a cab to your math class. I will pick you up when you're done," continued Chris.

"Okay," Shania replied as she scooped a spoonful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal into her mouth.

"Remember that you end school at 2.15 pm and your math tutoring starts at 3.30 pm. That means you only have a little bit of time to eat and travel. Spend your time wisely and plan accordingly," reminded Chris.

Shania nodded without looking at Chris.

"Use your words Naya," Chris grabbed Shania's chin to make her look at him.
"Yes sir," sheepishly replied Shania.

In School

After the bell rang to announce the end of school, Shania and Bethany walked toward the school canteen.

"I've got 3 hours of math tutoring later, I hate it! My tutor is really strict," complained Shania to Bethany.
"Damn, 3 hours is a really long time," empathized Bethany.

The pair continued to chat while Bethany accompanied Shania to eat.


"Hey, hold on, my brother is calling me," Shania told Bethany.
"Hi Chris, what's up?" Answered Shania.
"Hey Naya, I just got out of my meeting. Are you already on your way to tuition right now?" Chris asked.
"I'm still eating in school," replied Shania while munching on a chicken nugget.
"Naya! It's already 3.15 pm! Your math class is 15 minutes away from your school!" Shouted Chris through the phone.
"Uhh, I'm sorry, I messed up. I'm leaving now," replied Shania as she put her fork down and grabbed her backpack hurriedly. 

Luckily for Shania, she didn't have to wait long for a cab to get her and the cab driver tried his best to get her to her destination as quick as possible. But she did still arrive 5 minutes late to her 3.30 pm class.

Math Tuition Center

"Hi Miss Lee, you're late," glared Mr Liam.
"I'm sorry, Mr Liam," apologized Shania as she walked into his class catching her breath after running up the stairs to the classroom.
"Quickly take a seat, we are going to start by going through the questions from last week's homework," Mr Liam replied while walking back to his desk.

"Wait, what homework?" Shania thought to herself as she gulped, her saliva burning her throat.

Shania quickly settled herself to her seat, picked up her bag and rummage through knowing that she did not do any homework from Mr Liam's class.

She must have been rummaging her stuff long enough for Mr Liam to notice. 

"Look at me," snapped Mr Liam.
Shania looked up with beads of sweat on her forehead and eyes shaking.
"Did you, or did you not, do the math worksheet I gave you last week?" Asked Mr Liam.
"I ..didn't know I had homework, sir," replied Shania as she looked down.
"Okay, in that case, you will stand throughout today's math class," Mr Liam decided and he started his class.

After 3 hours of class, Shania's legs were aching. It didn't help that math was hard and she was just spent. By the time Shania left the classroom, Chris was already waiting for her at the tuition center's lobby. 

"How was class today?" Chris asked his sister.
Shania just slumped her shoulders and stared at her feet.
"She's still struggling with a lot of the foundation formulae but I think she'll be fine as long as she remembers to do her homework and diligently attend her classes on time," Mr Liam replied on behalf of Shania.
"Did she not do her homework?" asked Chris.
"I forgot that I was given homework," replied Shania still staring at her feet.
"It's fine, I've made sure that she doesn't repeat this again. See you next week Miss Lee, Mr Lee," nodded Mr Liam as he walked off.

As soon as Shania entered Chris's car, she faded off and fell asleep.

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