Chapter 30: The Next Morning

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Shania couldn't sleep well that night. She was anxious of what the new day would bring. She did not end up completing her school work and homework from Colin, she yelled at Chris, and she even used the F word. 

Morning couldn't come soon enough. She didn't know if she should go for breakfast or just lay in bed all day. She already skipped morning workout with Chris - but to be fair, he would usually come into her room to drag her out of bed whenever she doesn't show up, he didn't do that today.

She peeked out of her curtains to see the dining room situation and saw that the rest of the family was already seated. Papa Lee was reading the newspaper as usual, Mama Lee is on the phone, while Chris is glancing at his watch and standing up.

"Oh no, he's coming to get me!" Thought Shania. She quickly went back into her bed and hid under her sheets.

Chris only knocked once before opening Shania's door.

"Hey Sweetie, you doing okay? Papa and Mama are waiting for you," Chris spoke with a slight concern in his voice, almost like nothing was wrong. Shania did not move. Chris walked towards her and pull her comforter away from her face so he could use his palm to feel her forehead, thinking that she's unwell.

"Can I take a sick day today?" Shania sat up and looked at her brother.
"Are you unwell? You're not running a temperature, though." Chris replied as he used his palm to feel Shania's forehead and neck.
Shania did not reply to her brother's question, instead she just looked at him with a frown.

Sensing his sister's emotions, Chris took a deep breath in and sighed.
"You have half an hour to get ready. You have 2 options, either you go to class with Colin, or you spend the day with me at work," Chris spoke as he walked towards the door. 

With the options presented to her, Shania quickly made mental calculations of the pros and cons. If she went for class with Colin, she would get hell since she did not do any homework and since Chris was not going to be home, Papa Lee would be notified. But if she went to work with Chris, he's probably going to chide her and he's a little bit intimidating to be around.

"Can I just take a sick day today? Please," whined Shania.
"I gave you two options. Pick one," Chris replied as he exited her room.

Shania jumped out of bed and continued thinking in the shower. She came to a conclusion that she should go to work with Chris since she's been home for days and it would be nice to be finally out of the house.

Chris came into Shania's room again as she was drying her hair. "Have you made up your mind?" Chris asked. "I'll go to work with you," Shania replied. "Pack your school essentials, I'll wait for you in my car," Chris instructed his sister.

Shania quickly ran to her study to grab her iPad and some worksheets that she's supposed to complete. She left the house and got into Chris's car. "Have you said bye to Papa and Mama?" Chris knew Shania ran straight to his car without telling their parents. Shania then left the car and went back inside the house to give Papa and Mama Lee hugs.

"If I were you, I would apologize to Chris first," Papa Lee winked at Shania after kissing her goodbye and handing her a breakfast wrap that Armand had prepared for her to eat in the car.

Shania ran back to the car and Chris was on a business call so she stayed silent. Chris drove off after checking that his sister is buckled up and ready to go.

After hanging up on the business call, the siblings continued the drive silently with the radio turned on to current news. 

Chris turned into a drive-thru Starbucks and broke the silence by asking Shania for her order. He knew his sister hasn't had her breakfast. Shania shook her head and turned her body to look the opposite side.

"She'll have a grande Hot Chocolate and I'll have two shots of espresso, please," Chris ordered for them.

Upon reaching Chris's office, Chris directed Shania straight towards his personal office.

"I have a packed schedule today but I'll take you with me for my lunch meeting so you won't have to eat alone. I did block an hour or so for us to connect at 3pm. So make sure you complete today's school work and your homework from before. Do you copy?" Chris briefed Shania as he sat her down on the meeting table in his massive office.

Shania gulped as she nodded, afraid of what "connect at 3pm" would entail.

"Naya, use your words," Chris lifted Shania's chin with his index finger.

"Yes Sir," Shania replied.

Chris's intercom rang and his secretary's voice was on speaker, "hey Chris, the team is gathered at meeting room 2 and they're ready whenever you are".

Chris pressed a button on the phone and replied, "I'll be right there".
He walked over to his sister passed her the hot chocolate and kissed her head, "I'll see you in a bit".

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