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y/e/c - your eye color

y/h/c - your hair color

y/h - your height

You open the door by force and Allison rushes out, you both watch as Scott runs away obviously ashamed of what had happened. You look for Stiles and he immediately embraces you in a hug. You fall into his arms happily and you inhale his scent. You both drop to the ground in a hug, both of you with tears streaming down your face. Some of joy and some of sadness.

"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Noah asks looking at the three of you.

"Yes," Scott says.

"I saw him too," Stiles confirms while you hold his hand.

"Why is she so quiet?" Noah asks Stiles concerned about you.

"She's just a little shaken up," Stiles replies and you sit in the back of Noah's car. You look around and notice Derek's car was missing. You shake your head slightly before leaning it up against the window and watching as Stiles and Noah talk. You watch as Noah walks off and Scott and Stiles begin talking. You sniffle slightly and bring your knees up to your chest. Thoughts of what just happened flooding your brain. You wipe away tears when you see Stiles walking over to the car.

"You alright?" Stiles asks as he sits in the back of the car with you.

"Yeah," You lie.

"You're a terrible liar," Stiles says and looks at you concerned.

"When it howled," You sniffle and stare at the back of the drivers' seat. "It changed me... not physically. But mentally... I wanted to kill you. All of you. I couldn't help it."

"It's ok," Stiles comforts you.

"No, it's not ok," You fight back. "I could've killed you."

"But you didn't," Stiles says making you look at him. "And before you fight your way out of this like we both know you can do, just know that no matter what you say or do... I'll always love you."

"I hate you," You say and fall into his chest. You probably cried like that for half an hour before you fell asleep. Stiles then wrapped you up in his arms and carried you inside when you got home. He placed you in his bed and kissed your forehead before he too went to sleep.

~ Next night ~

You hold the alcohol firmly in your coat leading Stiles and Scott into the woods. You roll your eyes at the thought of what the three of you are about to do but Scott needs a pick up after what happened between him and Allison the night before.

"Where are we going?" Scott asks.

"You'll see," You and Stiles say together.

"Cause we really shouldn't be out here," Scott begins and you roll your eyes. "My mom is in constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school."

"Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay?" Stiles says and you continue walking. "There's no comparison, trust me."

"Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott asks yet another question.

"Yes. When your best friend gets dumped..." You begin and Scott denies your statement. "All right, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break..."

"You get your best friend drunk," Stiles says before you pull the whiskey out of your jacket.

~ An hour later ~

"Dude," Stiles begins laying on the rocks obviously talking to Scott. You roll your eyes and take yet another big swig of the alcohol in front of you. "You know, she's just one... one girl. You know there's so many. There are so many other girls in the sea."

"Fish in the sea," Scott corrects.

"Fish?" Stiles questions. "Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love them. I love... Especially ones with y/h/c hair... Y/e/c eyes... y/h..."

"Like Y/n?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, exactly," Stiles says and you assume he forgot you were there. "Hey! How did you know I was talking about... what was I talking about? Hey, you're not happy. Take a drink!"

"I don't want anymore," Scott says. and Stiles puts the bottle back down.

"You're not drunk?" Stiles asks him.

"I'm not anything," Scott says feeling down and you place a comforting hand on his shoulder which he shakes off.

"Hey, maybe it's like..." Stiles stumbles over his words. "Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf. Am I drunk?"

"You're wasted," Scott says and you laugh and Stiles looks over at you.

"Y/n, when did you get here?" He asks and you roll your eyes.

"I've been here the whole time doofus," You comment and he reaches for you longingly and you shake your head.

"Come here," He orders and you sigh before shuffling over so he can put his head in your lap. Stiles cheers slightly. "Come on dude, I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know. Well, I don't know... but I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts. Being alone is way worse. That didn't make any sense."

You giggle and Stiles looks up at you before smiling and returning his gaze to the stars.

"I need a drink," Stiles says and reaches for the whiskey before a man grabs it. You glare at the man and immediately stand up defensively.

"Well," He comments holding the whiskey in his hand. "Look at the three little bitches getting their drink on."

"Give it back," You say angrily.

"What's that little girl?" The biggest one asks.

"I think she wants a drink," The other man comments.

"I want the bottle," Scott says angrily and they turn their attention to him.

"Scott, maybe we should just go," Stiles comments from the ground and you shake your head.

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles," Scott begins. "I'm not drunk yet."

The man takes a drink out of the bottle and you move closer. You demand the bottle and he shakes his head. You scoff and feel the sting in your eyes as they change color.

"Give me the bottle," You demand yet again and feel your claws come out of your fingernails.

"Y/n?" Stiles seems slightly worried. The man holds the bottle out and you snatch it away without a second thought. You peg it at a tree and hear the smash before the two men run away. You laugh to yourself and allow yourself to relax. You notice Scott's claws were out and he took a second to relax. You help Stiles up and help him walk to his jeep. You laugh when he falls into the passenger seat. You jump in the driver's seat and begin driving. You drop Scott off and then proceed to drive back to Noah's house.

You notice his car gone a sigh in relief. You help Stiles walk up to the front door and you walk him to his room. You tuck him into bed and smile at his sleeping form.

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