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"It would take you two seconds to organize this stuff," You say picking up loose pieces of paper before putting them into the filing cabinet. "That's why we have this thing. For organization."

"No," Noah says before you flip the pancake. "That's why we have you."

You hold the spatula up in a warning manner. You put the pancake on one of the plates before you pour more batter into the frypan and walk out the front door. You pick a few flowers and walk back inside. You get out a glass jar and fill it with water. You put the flowers in the jar and place them in the center of the table.

"It's not that hard to make this a nice place," You say flipping the pancake.

"Thanks for the judgment," Noah says jokingly. 

"Who's judging who?" Stiles asks walking over to you.

"Don't worry," You smile. "Now both of you, at the table."

"Yes ma'am," Noah says and sits down at the table. You finish cooking the pancakes and take them over to the table. You place a plate down in front of everyone and pour orange juice in everyone's cup before sitting down yourself.

"See?" You look between the two. "Isn't it nice to have breakfast together?"

Stiles and Noah shove a mouthful of pancakes in their mouths and you shake your head. You lift up your legs and put them on Stiles' leg, he doesn't seem to mind you using him as a footrest. You look over at Noah who has a shocked look on his face.

"Wait," You put your legs back down. "Was that you?"

"Yes..." Noah looks at his plate and you go bright red. Stiles laughs.

"What happened?" Stiles looks between the two of you.

"I was trying to use you as a footrest," You look at Stiles and your face goes red as he starts bursting out laughing. "Shut up Stiles. You can clean up, we have school. Sorry."

"It's fine," Noah laughs and you and Stiles leave and sit in the car.

"Shut up!" You say.

"I didn't say anything!" Stiles says offended.

"No," You say agreeing. "But you thought it."

"So what if I did?" You shake your head at him.

"Did you sneak out last night?" You ask looking over at him.

"How did you know?" You roll your eyes. "I went to check on Scott. I climbed in through the window and his mom almost hit me with a baseball bat."

"You should've woken me!" You start laughing. "I would've loved to see that."

"Yeah haha," He mimics before starting the car. "She's scary, okay?"

"Why did you go over there anyway?" You ask curiously.

"Dad got called to the hospital," You turn to look at Stiles. "The bus driver, he succumbed to his wounds." 

"That's terrible," You say.  "Then what happened?"

"Then, Scott went to confront Derek," He shrugs. "And I came home and cuddled you."

"Did you try to stop him?" You ask slightly frustrated.

"As much as my weak body could, yeah," Stiles hits his hand down on the wheel.

"Calm down," You place your hand calmingly on Stiles' leg and he smiles slightly at the comfort. You jump out of the car when it stops and begins walking towards the school. Stiles grabs yur arm quickly and gives you a quick but passionate kiss before holding your hand and walking with you into the school.

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