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"I believe so, Coach," Stiles begins tapping his leg and you rub calming circles on the back of his hand.

"Interesting," Coach says and you all watch as Scott's ball goes straight through the goalers lacrosse stick and into the goal. Everyone begins to cheer, even Stiles jumps up and cheers momentarily. You watch as Scott catches the ball right off and runs weirdly to the side of the field. He looks around at the other players and you jump up, you watch cautiously not wanting to interfere with the game. He throws the ball into the net scoring the winning goal.

Everyone cheers but you and Stiles watch Scott carefully you can smell the anger growing inside him. You notice Scott rip off his glove and you see the claws extruding from his hand.

"Shit," You say to yourself and run over to him. You grab his wrist and begin to run off the field dragging him away with you. You hear Stiles trailing behind you attempting to keep up. You run into the changing room and close the door gently behind you in an attempt to stop anyone entering.

Scott takes off his helmet and throws it on the ground. You stand by the door and listen to his heavy breathing. You hear footsteps coming into the changing room and immediately assume it's Stiles. You breathe in and notice a different scent. Your eyes widen and you try to secure the door before she gets there but she just pushes it open before you have the chance.

You hear glass shatter scaring you, you jump back and fall over one of the chairs. Your head made an impact with the ground knocking you out cold before you could figure out what happened. Meanwhile, Allison was walking closer to the sound of the fall. She saw your figure on the floor and walked towards you worried. She hears Scott make another noise and jumps up completely forgetting about you.

"Scott?" She speaks not hearing any reply. Scott is up in the rafters peering down at her waiting for an opportunity to attack. He moves throughout the rafters before jumping down and putting his head against the shower with his fists clenched together also against the wall. Allison walks towards him cautiously, She touches his shoulder and he turns around to face her.

Stiles runs into the changing room worried. He sees Allison and Scott making out and turns around seeing you on the floor. He picks you up and takes you out of the changing room.

"Y/n?" He shakes you lightly. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" You slowly open your eyes and see Stiles. "Allison, is she okay?"

"More than okay," Stiles says looking at you. "What happened?"

"I tripped over the chair," You rub your head and sit up.

"Of course you did," He laughs at you and helps you up. You see Allison walk out of the changing room and you smile at her as she walks away. You and Stiles walk into the changing rooms and see Scott smiling.

"I kissed her," He said still smiling.

"I saw," Stiles says blank-faced.

"I didn't," You say standing next to Stiles.

"She kissed me," Scott still has a dumb smile on his face.

"I saw that too," Stiles smiles slightly.

"I didn't," You say again.

"I don't know how but I controlled it," Scott says amazed. "I pulled it back."

"Your hormones or inner wolf?" You say making Stiles laugh.

"Very funny," Scott says smiling slightly. "Maybe I can do this, maybe it's not that bad."

"Yeah," Stiles says smiling at Scott. "We'll talk later then."

Stiles hits Scott's shoulder and turns to walk away when Scott grabs his shoulder.

"What?" Scott asks. Stiles let's out a big sigh and you move closer.

"The uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found." You take a deep breath. "Well, I'll keep it simple. The medical examiner determined this killer of girl to be an animal not human. Derek's human not animal, Derek not the killer. Derek let out of jail."

"Are you kidding me?" Scott looks furious.

"No, and here's an even bigger kick in the ass," You prepare yourself. "My dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves, her name was Laura Hale."

"Hale?" Scott said eyes widened.

"Derek's sister," Stiles says sounding disgusted.

"Maybe he isn't the killer..." You say thinking everything through.

"What?" Stiles says not having heard you.

"Nothing," I'll meet you at home.

"How are you going to get there?" Stiles shouts after you.

"I'll jog home," You yell back and begin the jog. You run out to the field and into the forest. You use your sense of smell tot rack down the Hale house. You walk over to the old house and you open the front door. You examine the burnt wood and th structure of the once beautiful house. 

"Derek?" You say waiting for him to show up.

"What?" He walks towards. "Have you come here to pin me for another murder?"

"No," you say turning to face him. "I'm sorry about your sister. I don't think you killed her."

"And how would you know," He takes a step closer towards you.

"Because despite the tough look you portray," You step back from him. "I don't think you would've killed her. Do you know who started the fire?"

"What does that have to do with-" You cut him off.

"I think whoever started the fire may have been disappointed they didn't kill all of you," You say piecing things together as you go. "I have a feeling you're next. Is there anyone else in your family that survived?"

"Why do you care?" Derek glares at you.

"I honestly don't care if you trust me or not," You take a deep breath. "I just need to know. If there is, keep a close eye on them and look after yourself."

Without another word, you push past him and leave the house. You run off into the woods and find your way home. You knock on Stiles' window and watch him jump from inside. He opens the window to let you in. You climb in through the window and sit down on his bed.

"Where were you?" He asks sitting down in his chair.

"I went for a little jog past the Hale house," You say truthfully.

"Where he could possibly kill you?" Stiles looks at you annoyed.

"He didn't do it," You state.

"How do you know that?" He asks curiously.

"Because you're not the only one who can put together entire crimes in their head with multiple possibilities of what could've happened." You breath out after that long sentence. "Now, I need you to find out if there are any other living Hale's."

"WHy do you-," You cut him off.

"I think whoever started the fire is after the living Hale's," You say Stiles immediately turns around and begins searching.

"There is one,"  Stiles says turning around. "His uncle. Severe burns and severe PTSD. He never speaks."

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