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"Go find Scott," You say. You hear him run and you jump out of the window and rush off into the woods. You feel the cool air on your face as you run through the trees away from people. You hear running near you and move closer to the sound. You see Scott running and you jump on him stopping him from moving any further. He pushes you off him and scratches your face in a warning. You jump back up and bite into his shoulder. Scott grabs your leg and snaps it in half and you hear the bone snap as he breaks your legs. You let out a scream of pain and Scott runs off.

You perk your ears up as you hear Scott being taken down. You hear rustling through the trees as multiple people move throughout the forest in search of you.

You stand on your leg and run towards the sound. You see Derek on top of Scott and push him off. He growls at you and perks up as he hears footsteps grow closer.

"Run!" he says to the both of you and you do as instructed. You see a flash of bright light as something hits one of the trees. You look towards the direction it came from and move out of sight. Scott stares at the people moving forward and they fire an arrow which sticks directly into his arm. Derek takes one of the guys down and you do the same. You jump towards one of the men and pull him away from the group leader, you bite his neck taking out a huge chunk of skin and flesh. You spit it out and run back into the woods.

Scott removes the arrow and you watch him run away. You watch as the leader turns to face you, He loads up his crossbow and aims his weapon at you. The arrow sticks into your leg and you run in the opposite direction. You catch up with Scott and Derek and pull the arrow out of your leg.

"Who were they?" Scott asks.

"Hunters. They've been hunting us for centuries." Dere looks between the both of you.

"Us?" Scott says annoyed. "You mean you, you did this to me!"

"Is it really so bad Scott?" Derek moves closer and you glare at him. "You can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human can hope. You've been given something most people would kill for. The bite is a gift."

"I don't want it," Scott says and you nod in agreement.

"You will. You both will." He turns to look at you. "And you'll need me if you want to learn how to control it. So, you and me Scott, we're brothers now."

Derek walks off without another word. You turn to face Scott and see the relief on his face as Derek leaves.

"Are you going to be alright getting home on your own?" You ask Scott as you help him stand up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He brushes the leaves off his clothes. "Be safe."

You rush off in one direction as Scott rushes off in the other direction. You reach the edge of the forest and walk on the edge of the road in the hope of getting close to home. You hear a car coming up behind you and you move to the side so the car can pass. The car stops next to you and you see Scott and Stiles. You jump in the back and lay down.

"You alright?" Stiles asks.

"I'll be fine," You say before closing your eyes. You listened as Scott explained everything that happened to Stiles.

"Wait, someone put an arrow in you?" Stiles stops the car and turns around to look at you.

"It hurt like a bitch," You state and sit up. "What are we going to do about full moons?"

"I can chain you guys up and feed you mice," He shrugs and you laugh. Stiles starts the car up again and continues driving. He drives Scott home and you jump in the front seat while Stiles adjusted his seat belt.

"Sorry for freaking out last night," You rub the back of your neck and click your seatbelt into place.

"Don't worry about it," Stiles shrugs and begins to drive home. "Do you wanna grab a coffee or something on the way home? On me."

"Of course," You nudge him. "But on me."

"I'm trying to do something nice," He states.

"You always buy coffee," You state crossing your arms in front of your chest. "It's my turn."

"Fine," Stiles pulls up outside a coffee shop and you both walk in. "Two double espressos."

You hand Siles the money and pick a spot to sit. You sit down in one of the booths and wait for Stiles. When he sits down he pushes your coffee towards you. You smile at him and take a sip of the coffee.

"You remembered the sugar," You say happily.

"Of course," Stiles laughs. "We grew up together, why would I forget the sugar?"

"Because you forgot the sugar last week," You put the coffee on the table. "And the week before and before."

"I get the point," Stiles rolls his eyes and you laugh.

"You even ordered me Lydia's coffee once," You laugh at his blush. "It's obvious Stiles, since third grade."

"It can't be that obvious," He nervously drinks his coffee.

"Anyways," You look out the window momentarily. "What are we doing for the next full moon?"

"Haven't thought about it yet," Stiles shrugs. "I might have to chain you up."

"Yeah right," You laugh. "I'm sure I'll be chill."

"You lost your mind last night," You shake your head in denial. "You killed a man."

"A man who would've killed me if I had given him the chance," You lower your voice.

"Fine, you win," Stiles finishes his coffee and you do the same.

"Can we head back?" Stiles gives you a confused look. "Back home. I need to shower."

"Of course," Stiles stands up and you both walk back to the car. You tuck the bottom of your skirt under your legs as you sit in the passenger's seat. You look out the window and feel your eyes grow heavy as you begin to fall asleep. Stiles looks at you as you fall asleep and smiles to himself. He keeps his eyes on the road and listens to your calm breathing as he drives.

"Stiles?" He hears you mumble.

"Yes?" he asks knowing you're half asleep.

"I love you," You speak out and he smiles.

"I know," He pulls a blanket out of the back and puts it over you.

"No, you don't," You snuggle into the blanket and grab his hand. "I mean more than what you think."

"What?" He waits a moment for you to speak but you don't utter a sound. "Y/n?"

He notices you've fallen asleep and smiles to himself. When he stops the car as he arrives home he picks you up out of the car and opens the front door, he carries you into your room and gently puts you on the bed. He looks at you sleeping and decides to tell you,

"Lydia is only a cover," He whispers, moving hair out of your face. "It's you I really care about."

He lays a gentle kiss on your forehead and leaves the room.

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