"They don't think that, mate, they're all just lookin' out for you, that's all."

"It still sucks having someone be with you while you're working."

"I guess," Vivian shrugged then taking the bucket of fish, "I'll leave you be, just don't hurt yourself."

Violet turned around and glared, "Of course I won't, I know what the hell I'm doing."

She put her hands up innocently as she crossed the little bridge heading back to the school, "Alright, see you later then, Vi."

Violet didn't answer back, she gave all of her attention to the stream of fish that she tried desperately to catch. She tried once more slamming her spear down with force, but still nothing.

She roared in frustration and anger knowing that her only success was two little scrawny fish.

This was a bad look for her.


Later that afternoon, Violet was trying to teach Blossom how to walk in her room before lunch. Ruby told her that it was the time that she started to teach her how to do the basics like walking and learning how to talk. Blossom already knew some words, but it was best to teach her some new ones.

Violet crouched down as she steadily held Blossom by under her armpits helping her stand. She flapped her arms and giggled as Violet kept her grip on her and walked slowly along with her. Violet guessed she was ticklish in that spot since it was the only spots that would make her laugh whenever she touched or tickled it.

After a couple more steps, Violet hesitantly let go. Blossom stood there for a good minute and before her mother could congratulate her for taking her first steps, she plopped down on her bottom and started laughing out loudly.

Violet sighed picking her up off the ground and sat on the bed placing Blossom on her lap holding her closely.

"What am I gonna do with you?" said as she touched her chubby cheek.

Blossom cooed in response as she tried to grab her mother's fingers to put in her mouth. Violet couldn't help but smile placing a kiss on her forehead. Before Violet could blow raspberries on her belly, a knock came at the door.

She groaned, "Come in."

Her eyes soon widened in surprise when she saw Clem walking in. She closed the door behind her leaning against it nonchalantly.

"Gotta minute, Vi?"

"Oh, uh- um, sure, sure," she stuttered nervously, "what's up?"

"Louis told me what you guys were talking about last night."

"Look, Clem, I never get to do anything important around here and so I thought—"

"And I believe you can go."

Violet looked shocked and confused, "Wait, seriously?"

Clem chuckled, "As much as I hate it as Lou does, I trust that you'll make it back safely and that you can promise me that you won't get bitten."

"That's it? Are you sure that this is what you want, Clem?"

She sighed, "Me and Ruby talked about your eyesight last night, she said your starting to see more clearly with your left eye. With that and Louis believing you're really capable of handling yourself, then there's no reason to keep treating you like a helpless child by not letting go on one little trip for the search of supplies."

Violet still looked astonished at the response. She never thought she'll see the day where Clem would let her do something this important ever since the accident. But there was something else she sensed on why she was afraid of letting her go. She knew exactly what it was.

"Clem, you know I won't run into him, right?" she said quietly.

Clem winced, "You know I don't want you getting hurt again."

"I won't, you and Lou ran his ass off, remember?" Violet laughed weakly recalling the day.

"I remember, but if you . . ."

"I promise I'll be careful, I can know where I'm going this time. I won't make the same mistake."

"I hope you can keep that promise," she got from the door and opened it looking back at Violet to give her a little smile, "Hey, you and Cherry Blossom comin' out for lunch?"

Violet smiled back getting up carrying Blossom with her, "Yeah, lead the way."

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