Blocked Numbers

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/Jaycee’s POV\

I was supposed to visit Luke in the hospital today but I could do that later today. I had to figure out how I was going to “get rid of myself” as Calum phrased it. I know he has good intentions but completely making myself over? I get it….I do. This whole thing wouldn’t have happened if I would have just kept my mouth shut. Yeah I know I say that a lot but can you blame me for having that thought run through my head a million times a day. My boyfriend is in the hospital and one of my best friends was in an alliance. Like seriously none of this would have happened.

“Jace?” Michael said taking me out of my thoughts

“What? Oh yeah..Um one lip piercing please.”

The guy who worked at the tattoo/piercing shop ushered us to the back to where he would perform the piercing.

“Need me to hold your hand? Luke’s not here and I feel like you might be a little scared” Michael sat next to me

“Yes. Please. Thank you”

“Okay this will go super quick” the guy said and took my lip in his hand

There was a click and a sharp pain in my mouth.

“All done” the guy smiled and took off his gloves. He brought us back to the register where I paid for my new piercing and the essentials for taking care of it.

We were walking out of the store and into the rest of the mall when we saw Berk and Ash sitting in the middle area of the mall.

Ashton saw and waved us over. We proceeded over to the busy common area.

“Hey guys what are you – JAYCEE WHAT IS IN YOUR LIP?!”

“She just got a lip piercing….it’s part of our plan”

“Yeah Mike I know what it is but why does my 17 year old sister have a lip piercing and what plan?”

Me and Mike looked at each other than back to Ashton.

“Jace, why don’t you and Berkeley go get the rest of the things you need and I’ll explain to Ashton” Mike offered

Berkeley hugged Ashton goodbye as Mike took her seat and began explaining how I was faking my death. Such a complicated and stupid plan. If worse comes to worse Mr. Addams finds out that “Jaycee Irwin” still exists but he’ll be looking for Jaycee Irwin not Jae Lynette.  As much as this whole thing will help me…..the whole new name thing is making me feel kind of uncomfortable.  My dad’s middle name was Jay and now I have to be reminded of how he left us when I was younger. It’s not just the emotional but physical damage he left in me and he will NEVER be able to take that back.

Anyways that’s a different story.

“So whatcha need?” Berk asked heading out of the mall

“Hair dye and blue contacts…..well more blue anyway. I mean my eyes are like dark blue and we’re talking like sky blue here”

“HAIR DYE! Can I help you dye your hair please? Whose we? And why the sudden changes?”

“Yes of course! I was going to ask you anyways. Calum…he has this plan”

“The plan Michael is explaining to Ashton right now”


“Am I allowed to know this plan?”

“Basically we’re staging the death of Jaycee Irwin so Mr. Addams thinks he gets what he wants and leaves us alone. I’ll have to change my appearance for a little bit and all my social media stuff but it’ll be worth it in the end”

“So what do we call you in the meantime?” She asked getting into her car

“You can still call me Jace or J or Jaycee. The name that we came up with was Jae Lynette”

“Jae? Jace wasn’t that-“

“Yeah. Let’s not get into that. Let’s just go to Target and have a fun afternoon”

“Yeah sure no problem. Weren’t you going to visit Luke today?”

“Ah shit yeah. Can we swing by after Target?”

“Sure. I kinda wanna see him too”

After picking out a natural shade of blonde hair dye and some nice blue contacts we pulled into the all too familiar parking lot of the hospital. We both got out and signed in, getting our visitors badges. Berkeley said she would go in after me. She knew I needed some alone time with the now conscious Luke. He would be excited to see my lip piercing and hear about my plan. I waved at Berkeley and walked the hallway to Luke’s room.

/Berkeley’s POV\

I watched Jaycee disappear down the hall to make sure she was out of sight when I pulled my phone out. A few texts from Ashton, some instagram notifications, and the standard 2 voicemails from a blocked number. I get these regularly; even though I can’t call the number back they never did a good job of hiding who they were. The voicemails always had suggestive language and some were more violet that others. How he got my number amazes me, but like Jaycee said he’s going after anyone she cares about.  He just almost killed Luke and the voicemails have been talking about going after Ashton next.

Mr. Addams has been doing this to me for about 2 years now. Yes I’ve changed my number multiple times but I have no idea how he keeps finding out what it is. If he can find out what my number is imagine what else he could find out about me. I wonder if he knows how much I care about Ashton. If the same thing happens to Ashton that happened to Luke I’ll be in the same position Jaycee is in right now.

She hasn’t been the same since the incident a month ago. She’s still her happy bubbly self but everyone knows she’s terrified on the inside and can’t even walk home alone anymore without calling somebody because some stranger looks at her in a weird way.

I just don’t understand how he could be so devoted to ruining her life.

A/N Told you I would update today : )

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