Stage Your Death

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/Jaycee’s POV\

Word had gotten around school about the weekends incidents. There were the people who blamed me for what happened to Luke and those who were somehow blaming Ashton. I didn’t let it bother me but Michael knew it actually did bother me.  It actually was my fault that Luke almost died. If I was just dead right now they would stop going after Luke. Michael went everywhere with me for the remainder of the day, he didn’t say much because well…..what do you say? I was avoiding Calum and Ashton was very careful about what to say around me. By the time lunch rolled around my phone had several texts from Calum.

Cal<3: Jaycee you have to talk to me!

Cal <3: Please listen to me or at least just let me explain to you why I did it

Cal <3 : You’re gonna have to face me sometime

Cal <3: May I remind you, we have art together

Cal <3: Did you tell Ashton? Because now he won’t talk to me, Michael won’t leave your side and obviously Luke’s not here.

The last one really got to me so I responded.

: And whose fault is that?

I tend to be quite sassy and sarcastic so either Cal would know I’m still upset or he would think I’m actually talking to him.

I am doing both.

I haven’t fully wrapped my head around the idea that Calum had been a part of their “group” for who knows how long and I know he was trying to protect me but it just doesn’t make sense.

The boy who I almost practically grew up with was in a secret plan to try and kill me.

Just let that play in your head for a second. See? I’m not entirely crazy for thinking that is well….crazy. My phone buzzed with a new text from Calum.


I looked up and sure enough Calum was sitting alone at a table a few feet away. He was staring straight at me and when I made eye contact with him he began to come over to where me and Michael were sitting. He joined the table and sat across from me.

No one said anything.

“Are you going to let me explain?”

“You almost took his life. You can’t ever take that back”

“I know Jace. I did it to protect you”

“Yeah thanks Cal but unless I’m dead he’s not going to leave any of us alone.”

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