Luke You Know I Love You But.....

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So Calum did fall asleep at 9, Ashton (who was sitting between me and Like) passed out at 9:30, and Michael who was sprawled out on the floor was still avidly watching Batman.  I got up, grabbed Luke’s arm and told him to go upstairs to my room where there was another TV.

I went into the kitchen while Luke disappeared upstairs .Mum was working late tonight, I honestly have no idea what she’s going to think when she comes home to a house full of teenage boys…and Ashton.

I grabbed a few sodas and a bag of chips. I’m thinking Luke will wanna watch some action movie or a comedy.

Clearly I was wrong.

Walking into my room I saw he had already turned on the TV and found my collection of DVDs.

“This one.” He said holding up the clear disk

“What is it?” I took the DVD from him

“The Vow”

“Luke. What”


“This is the most chick flick movie I have in there. Why did you pick this?”

“I….uh…I’ve watched it a lot with my mum.”

Like I’m gonna believe that

“Alright Hemmings.”

I put the DVD in the player and it began playing. Luke sat on my floor while I crawled onto my bed.

About 45 minutes into the movie I heard Luke sniffle and leaned over to see a few tears falling down his cheeks.

The Moment I Knew (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now