In The Ground

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“If we could have Luke’s friends and family come up to the alter please” the pastor said over the hushed group of people.

Everyone was in all black and either crying silently to themselves or hiding their faces in the programs they handed out.  The 6 page program had many pictures of Luke on them along with a summary of the 17 years he had spent on earth. I had spent almost the entire weekend helping Liz pick out which picture to put on the front.  For only being part of Luke’s life for such a short time, his family welcomed me like their own. Liz did say that she had hoped me and Luke would stay together for a long time. She said how I truly brought out the protective side in Luke.

“Luke was not only my best friend but more like a brother than anything. I regret not telling him I loved him more” Ashton began “He was one of the best guitar players I had ever met and yeah that dude can sing…..I’m gonna miss you buddy” Ashton placed a hand on the coffin and took his seat.

Calum and Michael had written their short speeches together. Cal cleared his throat and began “I’ve known Luke for a while now, and I could have never pictured him going this way.  Much like Ashton said he was more than a friend he was a brother. The best brother anyone could be lucky to have. Already miss you Luke.” A tear fell from Calum’s eye and he passed the microphone to Michael. “Well me and Luke were never the best of friends and I’m extremely mad that I never got the chance to bond with him like these guys. Miss you dude.” Michael walked from the podium to where the rest of the boys were sitting. It was my turn. I had run this over in my head a thousand times, never getting the wording exactly right. I mean what are you supposed to say at your boyfriend’s funeral.

“So I know me and Luke were only dating for about two months when the accident happened but within those two months so many thing happened to the point of where it felt like years. Luke is a very special person and even though he only let a few certain people into his life I was very glad to be one of those people. To my first real love, I will never stop loving you.”  I said through muffled tears and handed the microphone to Luke’s parents.

Liz and Andrew, Luke’s dad who I had finally met took the podium “We would do almost anything for our son and we know he would do the same. He never wanted to make a big deal out of anything and we appreciate all of you who came today. In loving memory of our son Luke Robert Hemmings. We love you son and always will.”

As soon as they had finished 3 guys who looked oddly familiar began to lift the coffin off of the ground and into the previously dug 6 foot hole in the ground of the cemetery.  I clung onto Ashton as they began lowering Luke’s body into the ground. Everyone and I do mean everyone was crying.

I looked over the crowd through fogged eyes and noticed a tall figure in the back row.  He waved his hand to the men and before they could do anything everything fell into place in my mind. Instead of gradually lowering the coffin into the ground the three men dropped the love of my life into the hole. I let go of Ashton and pushed through the men jumping in after Luke. Blackness everywhere.

Then I woke up.

Screaming, crying, and practically drenched in my own sweat.  I got out of bed and immediately fell onto the floor. Ashton and my mum came running in due to my scream. Ashton fell to the floor and engulfed me into a hug while my mum went to get me water. 

“Jace it’s okay it’s okay” Ashton rubbed my back as I cried into his chest. “Was it Luke?” I nodded my head and continued crying.  “Jaycee, Luke is fine; he’s been fine for 3 days. Remember?” I wiped my eyes and slowly started regaining knowledge of what happened the night Luke got hit.

I had come home and fallen asleep only to be woken up the next morning by Ashton shaking me.  He explained that Luke has finally woken up but had to remain in the hospital for a few days until they could figure out why he didn’t wake up.

“It –It-It was just a bad dream…..his funeral……and he was there….they killed him Ash” I managed to get out

“Who killed him?”

“The men and Mr. Addams! He warned me!”

“Jaycee it was just a dream. There’s no way.”

“I have to find Cal”

“He’s probably asleep. Can’t you call him in the morning?”

“He knows Ash. Calum knows who hit Luke. If you don’t believe me fine but I know what I saw” I untangled myself from Ashton, grabbed my phone and locked myself in the bathroom.

Calum was # 3 on speed dial. He picked up on 4 rings.


“Cal. You know and I think I know. Please tell me so I can just get this out of my head”

“Jaycee….I’m going to tell you something and you’re going to hate me for a very long time”

“Cal what is it please. I honestly don’t care about how bat it is right now”

“I did it”

“What do you mean you did it?”

“I hit him. I’m one of them. I did it to protect you. He had to think the one thing you cared about was gone. “

I dropped the phone hearing it shatter a little

“JAYCEE I’M SORRY! HE WOULD HAVE KILLED ME IF I DIDN’T” Cal’s voice echoed through the phone.

The room began spinning but I sat down on the floor and ran some cool water over my forehead. I couldn’t take this anymore. I thought it was done. He messed with me; he messed with Cal, now he messed with Luke. He’s not going to mess with anyone anymore.


The Moment I Knew (Luke Hemmings)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora