Who's The New Girl?

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“Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby girl” the nurse said handing an exhausted mum her new daughter.

‘Name?” Another nurse asked

“What do you want to name her Ash?” the mum asked her 3 year old son.

“J……..C…..” Ashton was just beginning to learn the alphabet and was capable of saying two letters

“JC?” the mum asked “How about Jaycee?”

Ashton smiled as his mum told the name to put on the birth certificate. She handed Ashton what was going to be his new best friend.

The 3 year difference meant absolutely nothing to Ashton. He loved Jaycee to death and would do anything for her, as would Jaycee for Ashton.

They went to the same school up until Jaycee transferred to a private girl’s school, Ashton still continued on. They still saw each other most days and their relationship was as solid as ever.

Ashton was 16, Jaycee was 13. He began playing drums, she began staying out late.

Once Ashton graduated and began spending less time at home and more time traveling, Jaycee got into arguments with their mum and eventually got into a fight at her school. She was expelled for violence and sent to the same school in which Ashton graduated.

Ashton was now 20, Jaycee was 17.

  /Jaycee’s POV\

“C’mon J, relax” Ashton wined putting the key in the ignition.

“Ash, I’m fine. You’re the one freaking out” I laugh turning on the radio.

“Yeah sure” he giggled and continued on the road.

Ashton is my brother and absolute best friend. He complained for about 2 days having to take me to school, but deep down I know he secretly loves it.

The school suddenly came into view and I started shaking a bit.

“Don’t worry, I got this all planned out” he comforted

“W-what?” I stutter. Gosh nerves go away.

“My old buddy Calum is a junior like you and I asked him to keep an eye out for you today.”

Ashton had friends?

We pulled into the parking lot and I began to get out.

“Need me to pick you up?”

“Nah, I’m good”

The Moment I Knew (Luke Hemmings)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora