I'm Just A Poor Boy

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Chapter 6:

On Sunday November 15th, Castiel sat on the edge of his bed blasting Centuries by Fallout Boy with his head in his hands. He feared he was going mad without his fix. He needed it. He craved it. Ever since that night with Dean, he's been sober. He was depressed, and anxious. He'd text Dean to keep his mind off things, but Dean was at an important dinner with his family and his dad's boss and wasn't allowed to text. Castiel was flipping out. He'd chain smoked his entire carton of cigarettes, and even that wouldn't keep his calm. He had to get it, some way, somehow. Such a bad Cassie.. he felt a tug in his stomach. Such a terrible Cassie.. he grabbed his jacket and ran outside and into his car. He drove to the small alleyway and texted his good friend Benny Lafitte. Good Cassie.


"Hey, man, issat Castiel?" Cas heard a strong southern voice from down the alley. Castiel squinted to see him better and smiled. "Hey, Benny. Miss me?"

"Oh, did I ever!" Benny approached slowly. "What can I do for ya?"

"I just want the usual." Castiel smiled grimly.

Benny pulled a small piece of tinfoil out of his pocket. Castiel greedily grabbed it and looked inside. He smiled. "Benny, baby, you're the best. How much?"

"70 bucks for the 10 strip."

"Done." Castiel reached in his pocket quickly and handed Benny the money. Benny smiled and pocketed the money. "You have fun, now ya hear?"

"Oh, I will." Castiel winked and ran back to his car excited. He'd been saving up that money for quite a while, and he still has more left over from his shitty job that actually pays a lot. Castiel was ecstatic to get back home and test this baby out.

When he got back home he had a text from Dean. Hey baby, I'm back. What did I miss? Sent: 6:23 p.m

Castiel grinned, Not much, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now tho. Sent: 6:23 p.m

Oh, really? Alright then.. Bye. Sent: 6:24 p.m

In other circumstances, Castiel would have text Dean back and said he was sorry. And that he'd talk to him forever if he wanted him to. But tonight was not the time. Castiel opened his tinfoil and grinned cannibalistically. He tore of off tab and put it on his tongue. He smiled to himself and laid on the bed. This would be one fun trip.
It had been two days since Dean and Castiel text. Dean was upset. Really upset. And when he'd gone to school with some stupid hope he'd see Castiel, he was let down. He'd tried texting and calling, but was always rejected and unanswered. When Dean got to school that Wednesday the last thing he expected to see was Cas. But sure enough, sitting in the back of the classroom, was the boy who's stolen his heart.

When he walked back there to say hello Dean could see just how terrible Cas looked. The spark in his blue eyes were missing, it was replaced with dark circles under them. He looked sickly and pale, his hair was matted. "Jesus Cas, you look like you've been sleeping in a dumpster.." Dean murmured.

"Thanks." Castiel spat.

"I didn't mean to be rude-" Dean started. Castiel waved him off and shushed him. Dean snapped his mouth shut and took a seat next to Castiel.

Halfway through class, Cas slipped Dean a note- I'm sorry I was being rude. I've had a rough week. Meet me after school at my place, I have to show you something. Dean would barely read Castiel's chicken scratch, but he managed. He quickly wrote back an 'okay when' and passed the note back. Castiel tapped him and held up 4 fingers and mouthed '4 o'clock'. Dean nodded and turned his attention back to the teacher.

Being in Dean's next class, Anatomy, came without the pleasure of Castiel. Instead, it was replaced with Meg. They sat at a table together, but didn't talk much unless they had to dissect something. Today, Dean was feeling talkative during the dissection of the pig brain, in which Meg was just poking with her scalpel. "Did you and Castiel ever.. Like.. Date?" Dean asked softly.

"Nah, I've always wanted to though. But mostly because I think he'd be great in bed. Why?" She raised her pierced eyebrow at Dean and stopped poking at the brain to give him full attention. Dean bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Just wondering.. I don't know too much about him."

Meg smirked, "oh he's got lots of stories."


"Well, for instance- we went to this party one time. Big house, lots of people, half of whom you don't know, right? Well, Clarence thinks it's a cool idea to go and get frisky with this one chick. They were making out pretty hardcore.. And Castiel was pretty drunk too. So when this bitch tries and gets into his pants, Cas starts feeling the after affects of too much booze. He throws up all over this chicks chest.. It was fucking great." Meg laughed and so did Dean. They laughed until their sides hurt. "What was her name?" Dean asked, slowly recovering from the fit of giggles.

"Hannah. She was a bitch anyway, too controlling. And bossy." Meg and Dean laughed again. She pushed a clump of her dreadlocks behind her ear and started cutting the brain open like they were suppose to be doing in the first place.


A few hours later, and a few boring classes later, Dean drove to Cas's house. Castiel was waiting on the front porch for him smoking a cigarette. Dean huffed and got out of the car. "I had to come up with some lame excuse to Sam as to why he'd have to find another ride home. Care to explain?" Castiel stubbed out his cigarette and motioned for Dean to follow him inside. Dean shoved his hands in his pockets nervously and went inside. Castiel lead him up to his room, and sat on the bed. Dean was unsure as to if he shout sit down or not. It was one of those should-we-kiss-or-fuck moments. Dean just stood there awkwardly and Castiel lifted his head. He smiled slyly and produced a small piece of folded tinfoil.

Dean was confused. Was Cas about give him some sort of tortilla thing? Dean didn't know. He was also confused as to why it was in his pocket if it was a tortilla. Wait why would he have a tortilla? Dean shook his head. "Okay? Now what?"

"Wanna see something cool, Winchester?" Castiel grinned and began to open the foil.

Tattoos And Cigarettes [A Destiel Fanfiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ