Sent Shivers Down My Spine

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*First off, go tell Tori_Castellanos that she is beautiful in every way because she never believes me, and I want you guys to help me shower her with love. But no one is allowed to flirt. 😒

Secondly, I wanna ask you people for fanart. If you want, that is. It'd be greatly appreciated. Just kik me the picture, and I'll use it as a chapter header. If you don't have kik, email it to me at KTHX*

9:04 p.m.

Dean Winchester was laying quietly in his hospital bed. Something went wrong, something happened. No one was telling Castiel, and it was scaring him. His baby was laying unconscious in the hospital, and no one was telling him shit. It made him furious. He sat in the waiting room with his head in his hands. Why wouldn't they at least let them see his boyfriend? It wasn't fair.

Finally, and short nurse came over and tapped Castiel. "Hi, I'm Tessa. You're Castiel, right?"

"Yeah." He spat.

"You can see Dean.. You're not suppose to, but I can tell you need to see him. Follow me." She smiled sweetly. Castiel's head shot up and he followed her eagerly. She led him to room 221 B. "He's still asleep.." She murmured quietly as she opened the door.

Castiel stared at his lover and frowned. He was hooked up to so many machines. Castiel walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. He took Dean's hand in his- it was ice cold. Cas whimpered and gazed at Dean. This can't happen, not yet. Dean still has about a year or two left. It's not time.

Castiel sat in Dean's room for hours, just holding his hand and praying to God Dean would wake up soon, and they could finish the bucket list. They weren't even halfway done.


2:03 a.m

Dean's awake. He looks around the room and frowns. "Where am I..? And who are you?" He looks over to the strange but handsome man holding his hand. Castiel smiled sadly. "You're in the hospital. And I'm Castiel, your boyfriend."

Dean thought for a moment and nodded, "oh.. Yeah.. I can see why I'd date you." Dean smiled. Castiel kissed him lightly, tears running down his cheeks and wetting the thin blankets Dean laid under. He was so happy Dean was okay.

Although Dean doesn't remember much, he does remember all of New York, but even that took some refreshing to do. Castiel was just happy he was alive, Castiel had never been so happy. Dean kept trying to say something, but each time he would quit in the middle of a sentence and forget what he was saying. This scared Castiel, but the doctors continuously assured him it would be okay. They gave Dean medicine, ran some tests, and in a few days Dean would be able to leave.


In those few days, Castiel sang to Dean, brought him pie, and cuddled with him. Once he was able to come home, Dean's family was waiting for him. Sam already knew now, Gabriel was still confused. Sam ran up to him and hugged Dean tightly. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sam whimpered.

Dean cocked his head to the side, "tell you what?" Sam opened his mouth, but decided against it, and quickly shut his mouth. His mother and John hugged him tightly. They missed him, obviously. Castiel stood there awkwardly.

After a long while of standing and assuring everything was okay, Dean and Cas went to Dean's room. Castiel opened the journal and read. He'd finish that thing, even if he died he'd become a ghost and finish it. He wouldn't let shit stop him.


They had only done three things.

Three more things.

And it all happened so fast.

They were sitting together, Dean and Cas. They were talking about all the little things.

And then it was like a magic trick. Poof. And Dean was gone. Dean couldn't breathe. He was having a spasm. Castiel drove to the hospital as quickly as possible, but it was all a blur.

Dean was taken away from him, and Castiel was left to wait in the waiting room.

There was no way Dean could be okay.

Something was wrong, something terribly wrong.

He hit stage four. He wouldn't make it.

He'd never be okay.

And Cas couldn't help but think it was all his fault.

UH SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER. I'm thinking of starting a new story?

Also- should I just end this story already? I feel it isn't good enough.

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