Goodbye Everybody, I've Got To Go

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Castiel stood in the empty waiting room, waiting for confirmation that Dean was okay. He needed to know, it was hurting him each and every second that passed to think his love was hurting. He wished he could take his pain away. Castiel had never exactly been a pure human, but he hoped God would show mercy on Dean Winchester.

That damn song kept replaying in Cas's head. Love Me Tender. Fuck that, Castiel couldn't stand having to continuously stop himself from singing it. He kept listening to other songs, but pretty much every song on his phone was sad and emotional. It was making Castiel want to hurt the children.

He fiddled with his tongue ring, and hummed the song softly. He closed his eyes and thought of a world without death. He thought of Dean, mostly.

Dean and him sitting in the backyard on a cool summer evening, watching their adopted children play and catch fireflies. He thought of him and Dean's late night charades of getting their children tucked in and reading them bedtime stories. He thought of making dinner for Dean each night when he would come home from work. He thought of the sweet nothings they would whisper to each other while their kids playing with some electronic train set.

Castiel was jolted awake by a loud scream. He knew that scream anywhere, hell, he'd made Dean make that noise thousands of times. He ran to the room. Locked. People were trying to get him to calm down. Screaming, crying, something breaking. A doctor yelled something and Dean's voice stopped echoing throughout the hospital. Castiel pealed his ear away from the door and stood back.

A doctor came out, followed by three nurses. They all nodded, saying it was okay for Cas to go inside. They had inserted a needle into him, the blood was still fresh and showing through the bandage a bit. Castiel sat beside Dean and caressed his cheek. The poor boy was asleep, but it looked like a peaceful sleep. Probably the most peace he's had in a while.

Castiel cuddled next to the unconscious Dean and sobbed silently into his chest. He'd soon fallen asleep.


He was awoke by a pair of two frail arms wrapping themselves around him. Castiel looked up to see a smiling Dean. It was a broken, pained smile. But it was a smile. Castiel smiled back, just as broken and pained. He sat up and kissed Dean'a forehead. Dean's green eyes were showing their true colour again. He looked happy. And it was because he only had four more months of this Hell to live.

Only four.

And it seemed to Cas that that wasn't long enough. He would finish the bucket list, no matter what. He quickly jumped out of the hospital bed without a word and grabbed his jacket. "Brb, yo." He muttered and ran out of the room.


He had his video camera and his extra batteries, just in case. He paid for a ticket, and went through the turnstile. As soon as he entered the zoo, he was greeted by a woman with a monkey on her shoulder, handing him a pamphlet.

If Castiel couldn't take Dean to the zoo, he'd take the zoo to Dean


"And here's where they keep a big 'ol furry lion. He's such a cutie." Castiel told the camera, then turned the camera toward the lion. It was close to the glass. "Say hi Mr. Lion!" Castiel chuckled. The lion roared in response and walked away. Castiel smiled and walked over to a tiger. "This guy reminds me of you and that stupid Survivor song you always listened to." He muttered and showed the tiger. He focused in on the eye and started singing Eye Of The Tiger.

He went over to the bird habitat. They were flying all over the place. Someone broke into a cage. One of the birds landed on Castiel's shoulder and he turned the camera toward him, "as you can see, Dean, I am the bird king. And you shall be my queen. Together we will rule over all nations." He filmed all the birds hopping and eating seed. One of them pooped on the arm of his leather jacket and he cursed loudly. He turned the camera back toward him and frowned, "it seems our loyal subjects betrayed us. We will go to war soon." He mumbled.

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