Open Your Eyes, Look Up To The Sky And See

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Chapter 5:

Dean was practically jumping when he got home. Dean ran into his room, fell fact first on his bed, and squealed like a girl. He was glad no one was at home. Gabriel and Sam went to the movies, and Mary and John were both at work. Which meant Dean could fangirl all he wanted. He was ecstatic, he couldn't function properly. What now? Does he text him? Does he call him? How long before they're allowed to say they love each other? Dean didn't know, Dean never knew. Stupid movies he'd watched like The Notebook weren't very clear on how to react to relationships.

He decided to just lay in his bed and daydream about Castiel until someone got home to distract him. Or try to distract him, anyway. Dean was always good at zoning out and no one could ever really break him from his trance. Sam called him Space Cadet for a year until Dean started calling him Moose. Now Sam showers him in corny nicknames, and Dean does the same. That what he loved about having a baby brother.

"Hey? Dean? Come on, it's midnight, you still need a shower." Mary said quietly. Dean stirred and sat up. He wasn't asleep really, just kind of halfway. Dean rubbed his eyes, grabbed some pyjamas, and headed toward the bathroom. He turned on the shower and ran his hand under the water to determine when it was warm enough to jump in. Once it was warm enough, he did just that- he jumped in. Almost dying in the process.
Dean smiled happily. It was Saturday, and he wasn't going to be doing his normal Saturday routine. He'd be going to see Cas. He buttoned up his flannel and looked himself over in the mirror. He looked neat and prim. There's no doubt Castiel would tease him for him for his attire. Dean sighed and checked his watch. He hardly had enough time to redress himself and still be able to make it to Castiel's on time.

Dean hated being late. It was one of his pet peeves. If anything, being 37 hours early was better than being 1 minute late. Dean got into his car and drove carefully to Cas's house. One thing he did not like about Cas was his driving abilities. Castiel was going to get himself killed one day. Dean shuddered at the thought and pulled up at his house.

"I was thinking we could go out to eat somewhere? I mean, somewhere fancy that is." Castiel explained.

"What did you have in mind?" Dean mindlessly played with a string on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Iunno, you pick."


Castiel grimaced, "you won't accept a guys tongue in your mouth, but you're gonna eat that?"

"Can we just go and eat?" Dean rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, give it a try."
Castiel poked at his food questionably. Dean watched him and frowned. He took apart his chopsticks and started eating. Castiel watched in awe. "How do you use those?"

"Uhm.. It's easy really.. You just gotta have some practice.." Dean demonstrated how to use them. Castiel tried, but ended up slinging one of the chopsticks to the floor. He sighed and picked up his fork. "Chopsticks are shit." He mumbled.

"You're just mad because you don't know how to use them." Dean grinned. Castiel shot him a glare and nibbled a little of his food. He stared at it in amazement and scarfed it down. Dean was happy he was actually eating, but he wished he'd slow down. It was kind of sickening to watch him eat like that. "Sometimes," Cas started, mouth full of food, "I think there's a monster living in my stomach." Dean chuckled slightly, still kind of grossed out.

When they finished they decided to go for a walk. It was a warm afternoon, but Castiel looked rather cozy in his tan trench coat. Which was odd for Cas, it seemed to be the only thing he wore that wasn't black. Castiel slowly slipped and hand out of his pocket and wrapped it around Dean's. Dean blushed brightly. He looked at the sleeve of his shirt and noticed wet spots beginning to form. He looked up and Castiel was already being splashed as well. "We should get home." He mumbled and Dean agreed.
"I'm sorry, our date was kind of ruined." Castiel frowned.

"No, hey it's cool. I like just sitting here with you and watching Netflix," Dean smiled and sipped at his coffee.

"I don't see how you drink it like that." Castiel made a face and drank his Pumpkin Spice latte.

"It tastes better when it's black." Dean shrugged and Castiel kept grossing out about it. "Have you ever tried it?"

"No." Castiel admitted.

"Here," Dean put the cup up to his mouth and Castiel took a swig. He made another face and swallowed, he shivered when he swallowed. "Tastes like motor oil. That's disgusting."

"At least I don't drink white girls drinks." Dean rolled his eyes and Castiel scoffed. "I mean, if they had pumpkin spice condoms you'd use them." Dean chuckled.

"Only for you baby." Castiel nipped playfully at Dean's ear and Dean fidgeted in his seat. Castiel was so good at this. He looked away and blushed. Castiel grinned and put on some random low budget horror film.

When the movie was over Dean was asleep on Cas's shoulder. Castiel had held him close, and almost fell asleep himself if not for Gabriel. "HEY CAS GUESS WHAT MOOSE AND I TOTALLY MADE OUT AND HE'S SOOOOOO PERFECT!!"

"Just one day, I'd like to sleep in peace." Castiel and Dean said simultaneously. They looked at each other and grinned.

"It's like we finish each other's-!" Castiel started.

"Sandwiches!" Dean replied.

"That's what I was gonna say!"

"OHHHH LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOOORRRR!!" They sang loudly together.

"LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOORRR WITH YOU!" Gabriel joined in.

"WITH YOU!" They all shouted.

They ended up watching Frozen and singing along and quoting everything. Castiel claimed he was banging Hans, Dean wanted Kristoff, Gabriel was stuck with Sven. He said it reminded him on Sam.

Yeah. They are all totally straight.

A/N: This chapter may be a bit short, but I'm trying here you guys. I'm sick and going through some shit about my weight rn and so I'm not really feeling the whole "writing" thing lately. But I love you all, I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving! (If you celebrate it!)

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