Easy Come Easy Go

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Castiel stared at Dean for a moment. "W... What..?" He couldn't believe what Dean had said. No one had ever loved Castiel. Castiel breathes heavily. "No. Dean, no you don't. You just think you do. You don't."

"I do.." Dean said silently.

"No, you don't!" Castiel snapped. Dean whimpered and scooted back a little. Castiel pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I think it's time you go home."

"But you said I could stay the night.." Dean frowned.

"Leave!" Castiel snapped again. Dean scurried to get up and almost slid again. He quickly ran to Cas's room, grabbed his things, and left. Castiel sat on the kitchen floor for a while and thought. "What did I do.." He said silently to himself.


Castiel impatiently tapped his pencil on his desk that early Monday morning. Dean was never late, in fact, Dean was always too early. Castiel had to explain to him why he lashed out like that. He'd tried texting him, calling him, even asking Sam or Gabe to help. Dean wasn't listening, and it was tearing Cas apart.

Dean showed up, a half hour late. "Mr. Winchester, how nice of you to join us.." The teacher grumbled and turned his attention back to the blackboard. Castiel perked up in his seat. Dean shot Cas a glance and frowned. Dean scooted past his normal seat beside Cas, and sat in the very back.

After class was over Dean scurried out of the room, faster than anyone. Castiel quickly grabbed his pencil and leather jacket and ran after him. "Dean! Dean wait!" He yelled down the hallway. Soon, Dean became camouflaged in the sea of people in the long corridor. Castiel stomped his foot, "drat.." He mumbled. He gripped his jacket tighter and walked outside.

Castiel hated himself, all he wanted to do was forget what he had done. He's really fucked up this time, and it was tearing him apart. Castiel went to the gazebo, where they first met. He pulled out a cigarette and lit up, thinking about everything.

He had always known about Dean, he picked up tiny samples of who Dean Winchester was and what he liked and how he acted. Castiel always wanted to be closer to Dean. Cas remembered saying to himself about how he could just fuck Dean, and leave him. That's what he did to everyone else. But Dean turned out to be special to Cas, Dean was different. Castiel smiled and took a drag on his cigarette. He ran a hand through his hair and fumbled with his tongue ring. What have I done? he thought

Once upon a time, Castiel was in love- or so he thought. He let that boy do everything to him, and with him. He loved this boy, more than anyone. This boy used him. He toyed with him, beat him. Castiel was just a simple guy back then, he didn't have all the tattoos and piercings. But after that, he changed. He dressed like he did so people would leave him alone. He acted like he did so people would be scared of him. He toyed with people as well. He didn't care. But with Dean... He felt like they could be forever.

All his life has been an unanswered question. And Dean came along and made everything better. Cas wanted to give Dean what was right, not what's left. He put his cigarette out and tried to light another one. "Those will kill you, you know?" Castiel turned around to see a girl with long black hair and a tight body. Cas raised an eyebrow. "And who might you be?"


Dean poked at his food at the dinner table. John and Mary looked at one another, concerned. Sam coughed awkwardly. "Hey... Gabriel is having a party.. You wanna come Dean?"

"Just no drinking." Mary smiled slightly. Dean looked up at her and couldn't help but smile. Everything Mary did was a blessing. She was so sweet and beautiful. She was such a babe. Dean shrugged. "I guess it'd be good to get out of the house." Dean looked at Sam. He smiled. "Good, go take a shower. You look awful." Sam joked.

"Bitch." Dean frowned.

"Jerk." Sam stuck out his tongue.

"HEY!" Mary frowned. "I'll wash your mouth out with soap!"

Sam and Dean arrived at the party. Music was blaring and red solo cups littered the yard. Dean bit his lip. "Are you sure? I'm not used to this type of stuff..."

"Relax, it's nothing. I know you haven't done this before, but bows the time to start. Hang in there, Dean." Sam grabbed Dean's arm and they went inside. Sam immediately went to the drink table, and found Gabriel standing there waiting for him. Gabriel laughed at something Sam said, and Dean turned away. He quietly slipped upstairs. With tons of luck, he found an empty room without the stench of sex in it. Dean looked around the room and furrowed his brows. He could tell it was Castiel's room. He'd only been in it once, and he doesn't remember much. Dean held his stomach at the thought of that night.

He sat down on the bed and pulled pulled out a book from his bag. He turned to his marked page and started reading. He soon became tired, very tired. He put the book away and crawled under the covers. It smelled like Castiel. He missed Cas.. He grabbed Cas's jacket from off the floor and cuddled with it. I can put in a small power nap.. Dean smiled and closed his eyes.

Dean woke up to someone petting his hair. He turned over and saw Meg again. "Hi-Ya Dean." She whispered. Dean mumbled a hello and sat up. "Castiel is in the next room... He's with someone. Aren't you guys still together?" Dean shook his head. He got up and rubbed his eyes. "Who's he with?" Dean asked.

"Lisa Braden. Real slut. I just saw them go in together.. I came in here to sleep, but I can see you had the same idea." She smiled. Dean suddenly felt sick. He stomped out of the room and opened the door to the room next to Cas's bedroom. Lisa was on her knees, Cas was on the edge of the bed. What Dean saw, he never wanted to witness again. "Cas.." He breathed out. Castiel and Lisa both stood up. Castiel struggled to put his pants back on. "Fuck, God, no it's not what you think!" Castiel finished with his pants and bit his lip. Dean flicked his eyes back and forth to them and grit his teeth. "You hurt me..." Dean mumbled.

"Winchester, listen to me. I didn't.. I'm not.. I love you, not her." Lisa gasped and slapped Castiel.

"You're such a fuck ass, Castiel!" She left the room crying. Dean watched her leave and smiled. "Look at that.. You've hurt someone else.. Maybe you should just leave everyone alone, Cas. Maybe then no one would get hurt." Dean left silently. Meg followed, holding Dean's hand and assuring him that it's okay and that she would drive him home. Castiel sat back down on the bed and stared down at his hands.

At that moment, both of them wanted to die.



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