If I'm Not Back Again This Time Tomorrow

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*Yo, wassup bitches?

Okay, so, this chapter took longer because I wrote more. I wanted to put as much into this as possible because this is more plot stuff, YAY. Okay. Have fun!~

Also, I'll probably put some 80's movie references in here or some fandom stuff even. I might even make some of the characters gay. *wriggles eyebrows* ENJOY ALL MY CRACK SHIPS!

Also, when I say fandom references, I mean a whole shit ton. Mostly Sherlock, Doctor Who, The Outsiders, The Mortal Instruments, even some Looking For Alaska.*

Dean and Cas had gone on plenty of dates, but things seemed rather boring lately. Castiel was always nervous, always fidgeting with things and popping his knuckles. Dean was curious and always asked Cas if everything was okay. Castiel would always just smile and nod. He didn't want to give anything away.

He bought an engagement ring.. Wiith Michael's help, they bought an engagement ring. Castiel was always just waiting for the right moment, but it never seemed like a good time even when it really was. Each time they went on a fancy dinner date, Castiel would get so nervous and just stuff his face with the complimentary bread. Dean would always just laugh and tell him to slow down. He was completely oblivious to Cas's behaviour, only thinking the worst.

What if he wants to break up? What if he doesn't love me anymore? Dean couldn't help but be bothered with these thoughts. It kept him awake at night. So did other things, but Castiel didn't have to know about the other thoughts. Dean always found himself taking really cold showers in the morning, however.

Dean had finally gotten into a collage, as did Castiel. Although, they weren't rooming together, which sucked. Castiel roomed with some guy named Keith Matthews (who prefers the name Two-bit), and Dean roomed with a British guy who insisted they call him The Doctor. Which was clever, because his girlfriend was named Rose and he looked almost identical to David Tennant. Dean hung around all the nerds, as usual. And Cas went to bars with his group of friends.

They were all handsome and funny, and liked to pick fights. Two-bit had a thing for Cas, and another kid named Sodapop had a thing for his friend Steve. A kind named Ponyboy really liked this Johnny kid. Dallas liked Two-bit and Darry was alone.

So that's Cas's group.

Dean's friends were unusual. The Doctor had a girlfriend named Rose. His other friend named Sherlock had a huge crush on this kid named John, but Sherlock would never admit it. A ginger girl by the name of Clary loved a man named Jace. Then there was Alec, who was kind of related to Jace but not really. Alec liked Jace, but then Dean showed up and Alec wanted Dean's booty hardcore.

And that was their collage friends in a nutshell.


Castiel changed his major from Broadway to forensics. He actually wanted to be a blood spatter analyst. He was in the same class and this dreamingly dark man named Dexter Morgan. Castiel would find himself awing the man. He was very fond of him, however, Dexter was more of a loner. Castiel could change that, if he could change Dean he could change this Dexter kid.

Dean would catch himself staring at a boy named Norman Bates. He and his mother ran a motel together, it was a really nice place. He showed Dean pictures. The kid was odd, but very sweet and liked to talk.

They would stare and think about other women or men, and then suddenly snap out of it and remember they had each other. They would go into each other's dorms after classes and snuggle and watch TV together. A girl named Alaska would join them sometimes, but only to snag cigarettes from Cas. She was very reckless, and she'd probably get herself killed one day. Which is why Dean nor Cas hung around her very much.

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