9 Tails Attack/Naruto's Birth

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"We'll talk when we get home." Kakashi tells me.

"Ok..." I reply.

Minato-Sensei got up and headed towards us.

"Good work Starr." Minato tells me as I nod and smile.

"Everybody except for Starr didn't think of teamwork. You guys were put into a 4 person team for a reason. Teamwork. Only Starr thought about that. Our real first mission starts tomorrow." He tells us.

"Okay!" We all say.

We all started to start walking home as Kakashi, Obito, and I started going our own way.

I kept holding hands and chatting with Obito like usual. We got to a deserted place and Kakashi stopped walking, making me look back at him and stop walking, making obito stop too.

"Starr..." Kakashi says with his head hanging down low.

"Yes?" I answered him.

Author's pov

"You have to choose." Kakashi says holding his head up.

Starr didn't know what Kakashi was talking about but Obito knew.

"He's right." Obito agrees.

"What are you guys talking about?" Starr asks confused.

"You have to choose between both of us." Obito and Kakashi speak in unison.

"I have to think about it." Starr says.

Very soon the chunin exam came up and they passed. Later on Starr and Kakashi became Jonins.

During the mission Obito "died" Starr had her own mission to go on so she couldn't stop Obito's "death".

Then Rin died and it was just Starr and Kakashi left with Minato. Kushina got pregnant with Naruto.

Kakashi and Starr were ANBU so Minato personally assigned them to protect Kushina.

While Kushina was giving birth Starr and Kakashi were on a date with Gai third wheeling.

Starr almost forgot that today was the day of the 9 tails attack but once she remembered, Starr started speed walking towards Kushina's designated area which confused Gai and Kakashi.

Starr's pov

"Where are you going Starr?" Kakashi asks me

"The 9 tails is going to attack." I tell them as I felt my Xionagan activate level 2.

For some reason it didn't activate... Despite that, I started running with them running after me. A loud rumbling was heard then the ground started shaking.

"It's too late! It's happening!" I yell as debree starts flying through the air.

"Minato-Sensei!" Kakashi yells.

"Help protect the village! I have to stop the 9 tails." I say before I give Kakashi a little peck through his mask.

I start to run off but he holds my arm back. Kurama appeared!

"I'm coming with you! You're not gonna die! I can't lose you too!" Kakashi says.

I nod my head and we run to Kurama. We got there to see Hiruzen and other ninjas throwing attacks at Kurama.

"I want to say I love you in case I don't come back." I say as I hold his cheek.

His face finds comfort in my hand as he holds it with his own.

"I love you too." Kakashi says as he pulls down his mask and kisses me.

We parted as he put his mask back on. A lower rank ninja runs in front of me.

"Starr-Senpai!" The young boy calls me.

"Yes?" I ask, ignoring Kakashi's jealous glare.

Gosh he acts like Tobirama.

"Lord 3rd wants to meet you." The chunin says.

I nod my head and run to the 3rd.

"Yes Hiruzen?" I ask him.

He halted his attack and turned to me.

"Starr Dragneel. I need you to tame the 9 tails." He tells me.

I nod my head. I floated up making everybody stop their attacks, even Obito stopped fighting Minato to see me.

I reach to the 9 tails head. All is quiet.

"Kurama." I say as I pet him.

I go into his landscape to see Obito and Kurama.

"Leave Kurama alone, masked man!" I yell angrily, knowing it's Obito.

"Who is Kurama?" The masked man asks me.

"The person you call the 9 tails fox demon is Kurama. So stop controlling the poor man."

"You remembered?" Kurama asks me.

"I will never forget you, Kurama. You're my best friend since all of those years ago."

"Okay! Enough! Kurama is under MY control! You're not going to unleash him." Obito tells me.

"Listen masked man, Kurama is my friend and I will fight for him! So give me back Kurama!"

"So you said you'll fight for him?" He asks me as I nod my head. "Very well."

He unleashed his sharingan and I unleashed my Xionagan.

"Bring it!" I tell him.

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