To You, From You

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The plan was set. Night would fall and as the clock struck twelve they would have begun their escapade.

With all their requirements for the journey the three younger girls sneaked the two injured ones from the infirmary into the castle. 

The guards were relatively easy to handle. Yoshiko had created a sleeping potion before hand and with the help of Pinkie sprayed it across the path they were to take. From one of the crossroads Ruby and Hanamaru would separate from the group, to get a couple of horses and meet them outside the gates of the castle.

That left Yoshiko with Chika and Riko. The problem was to carry them across the stretch before the potion wore off. In their normal state it would have been easy. 

Chika seemed to be in the worst shape. There was no way they would escape before the potion's effects were out. Chika had tried to convince her saying that she would be alright but in reality she could barely walk without nearly collapsing onto the floor. She had reached this point only because of the help of Hanamaru and Ruby who supported her. Riko however could at least walk by herself.

What was Yoshiko supposed to do? Why was she so weak when she was supposed to be strong? If she used her teleportation spell she'd faint. She had tried to carry Chika herself but Chika was just to heavy for her to handle.

An idea struck her as hard as the chimes of the bell that rang from the clock tower. A flotation spell. It had been a long time since she had casted one. Unlike that time she was much stronger now.

Yoshiko muttered the spell under breath, her arms moving in specific motions this casting the spell on Chika. The orange head's eyes widened as she began to levitate. "Woah this is so cool!"

One of the asleep soldiers began to stir. The three girls stood in their places frozen in terror. Pinkie thankfully poured a couple drops of the potion onto him and once again he returned to the land of dreams.

They let out a sigh of relief. That was close.

"Chika chan calm down." Riko chided, whispering at the floating girl who now gripped onto Yoshiko's shoulder hiding behind her. "Sorry." She gave them a sheepish smile. 

"Alright my little demons let's go before God's angels wake up from their slumber." 


Ruby had figured out where the keys of the stables were kept using her sister the day before. Unfortunately it seemed more of a risk to do so as the keys were in Mari's room so that she can open it and go for her morning ride without any fuss. 

The only way the pair could think if to enter the stables was to break in using brute force. They used a pin to pick the lock, rocks and a knife to break it but to no avail.

"Ruby chan, is it possible to melt the lock zura?"

"I'll try." Ruby held the lock in her hands, summoning her power. Hanamaru soon had to step back, saying in the most deadpan of a voice she could muster, "Ruby chan the grass is on fire."

"PIGYAA!!" Ruby attempted to stop the spreading fire. 

"Its alright Ruby chan. We'll just extinguish it with water from-"

"IT DOESN'T EXTINGUISH WITH WATER!" Ruby screamed. From inside the shed they could hear the horses neigh. The fire began to crawl onto the structure of the stables, eating it away. The neighing of the horse became frantic. Ruby began to cry in helplessness.

Hanamaru hugged her, in attempts to pacify her. In her mind, she was thinking of a way to stop the flames but nothing came to mind. 

If they didn't do anything the horses would die and worse is that they would get caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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