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For those of you who don't know what's a quarterstaff just take a look at that pic. Let's get started with the next chapter!!-->

Ruby was practicing with her squadron. Nozomi, who was invited by Mari to live in the castle after The Three Mermaids and the new members of the squadron returned, was teaching them how to combine magic with their weapons. Ruby could only control, create and bear fire unlike Yoshiko who could cast spells. After all everyone was different. Ruby didn't really like her power because she felt like a person with a timid personality like her didn't require such lethal powers.

She looked at the scene around her. Chika, who didn't have any powers was given a crate of Mikans and was asked to impale them when in air with her desired weapon, the spear. You had only recently found out that her family was from a great lineage of water benders. You was trying to awaken that power with Nozomi guiding her. Riko had the power to summon flowers. So she ended up practicing her crossbow skills and enhanced it with her power. Meanwhile, Hanamaru was selecting her weapon with Yoshiko showing her. Hanamaru's sword broke during the kidnapping so she needs a new one. Yoshiko knew how to combine magic and her weapon, the axe and

Hanamaru hadn't seen so many different types of weapons except the sword and spear and so Hanamru ended up saying "Mirai zura!" for each one Yoshiko showed her. Yoshiko on the other had was all confused wondering what was so special in them. Hanamaru didn't really have any power though. So she had to practice with the weapon, whenever she chose it.

Ruby was supposed to combine her fire with her quarterstaff but she was scared. She wasn't confident. "Scared aren't you?"said a voice behind. "Pigii!" Ruby squealed and fell on the floor, scared. "Oh, Nozomi san it's it you." she said relieved. "I didn't know that you were this scared of everything." Nozomi giggled lending her a hand which Ruby gladly took. Nozomi continued, "Your personality seems like the opposite of your hard headed sister." Nozomi giggled before saying, "She reminds me of a person knew."

Nozomi cleared her throat. "You do not like your powers nor do you feel like they suit you, right?" Ruby nodded while wondering how she knew about her insecurity. "I'll tell you a story about a girl. She had the power to control ice. Usually these kind of people were hated. She was hated too and hated her powers because of it. She set herself aside. One day she a person approached her. That person realized she wasn't so bad and asked if they could help other people. At first the girl was reluctant but went with it. Later people saw her doing her good deeds and she wasn't hated anymore." Nozomi paused before placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder. "So do not feel like your not worth these powers. There is a reason why. Always. It only matters about the purpose of the magic you use. Like is it for the good or the evil? Or for the welfare of others or your selfish reasons? Then again that's your choice. Now then I'll be going. If you need help just call I'll lend you a hand. After all you need practice."
"I'll do my Rubesty!" she said enthusiastically. Nozomi smiled before going back to You who, in Ruby's opinion looked constipated, was trying to awaken that power. But on the way she noticed Chika trying to escape with a a handful of Mikans and so went to washi washi her.

She looked at the quarterstaff in her hand. Maybe she could do this. The last time she used her power it didn't end well. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt the power flowing through her veins and the staff heating up in her hand. She opened her eyes surprised the staff didn't burn up. 'It must be Nozomi's magic.' Ruby thought. The last time she tried thus the weapon just melted in her hand. The dummy stood before her, ready to perish. She hesitated to attack. She tentatively poked the dummy which on contact caught on fire.

"Pigii!" Ruby squealed and threw her staff. The flaming staff rolled on the ground heading to You who was still looking constipated, had her eyes closed. Ruby stumbled, trying to run behind it but was stopped by Nozomi's knowing look. From You's hand emerged a wave of water dousing the flaming stick. She opened her eyes. "Yosoro!" she screamed as she saw the water. She didn't have much control on it so in the process she doused Ruby in water, not like she minded. She felt hot anyway. "Oh Ruby chan I'm so sorry!" You ran to her. "It's alright You chan. I can do this." Ruby set herself on fire and then ended it in a flash. She was dry once again. She always made sure she wore fire proof clothing to prevent accidents while handling fire. "Woah...that's sooooo cool! I didn't know you could do that!"

Their discussion was cut off by Nozomi calling everyone to the center of the arena. " Your petition to change the name of your squadron from Three Mermaids to Aqours has been accepted." Riko mentally threw a party for herself. She had finally managed to get rid of that embarrassing name. She meant to give the name Aqours when the three of them joined but accidentally gave the name Three Mermaids when Mari asked the name of their squadron. Also their squadron had six people not three anymore. Nozomi then continued, "Everyone you have another mission to go on."


"Mari san are you sure about this?" Dia asked the princess of the kingdom of Uranohoshi who looked outside the window looking at the green garden. "Yes, I know that it is a risk but I have a feeling they might be able to do it. Are you alright with this decision I've made Dia?"
Dia sighed. "She is my sister. Her squadron barely came back alive from that forest. I know she is growing up both in maturity and as a pyromancer. I guess I am fine with the decision." Dia scratched the mole near her mouth. Mari giggled before saying, "Dia, I just want to know if we should send them to the Northern Mountains. They should try going there once. Remember those days where we had gone on quests like those?"
"Yes, I do not want them to bump into the Ice sisters of Hakodate. Do remember that Mari san?"

Mari bit back a sob as she remembered the incident. It was because of them she lost Kanan, her girlfriend, the General of the army of Uranohoshi. "We'll have to warn them then. They do have to defeat that dragon after all. We did receive that request from the villagers over there." Mari managed to say before sobbing. Dia gave her a hug, trying to comfort her. She was her childhood friend after all and so was Kanan. Mari missed Kanan. A lot. All she wished was for her to come back. Come to her. Back in her arms.

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