Save her (part 2)

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I'm planning to make this story in proper chronological order cause for the first time I have a lot of inspiration and determination to continue this. I'll be updating on the weekends in case your wondering. I'll be adding other ships later but now enjoy with Yohamaru. For this chapter(and the previous) is based off this headcannon I made in my book Random Love Live. A person gets a tattoo on their backs when they meet their soul mate. If they don't really interact with them for a long time the outline of the tattoo remains but as they do interact the tattoo gains colour. This is one important detail of the story so don't forget it. Now on to the story


Hanamaru woke up. She was cold and hungry. She had no clue where she was. The only thing she knew at The time was that she was tied to a chair, with a gag in her mouth and in a room with no windows whatsoever. Just a door. A metal door. The last thing she remembered was being dragged by someone who pulled her side. Hanamaru was scared. She tried to break free of the ropes. It didn't work. In the process she tipped over the chair onto its side making it and her fall. A muffled zura came from her mouth as pain seized her side. She sat there scared her heart beating quickly. She wondered how did those protagonists in the books she read escape out of this like it was nothing.

Then a sound came from the door. The door hissed as it opened and Hanamaru was blinded by the bright light. She blinked her eyes a few times and saw two silhouettes standing in that bright light. "Pick her up and take that gag out." said the one with a shorter pony tail standing on the right. The one with the longer pony tail approached her and set her chair upright and pulled the gag out. From Hanamaru's mouth a whole bunch of stuff came out like, "Where am I and what do you want with me zura!?"
"Put it back on." the other instructed. The gag was placed back on her mouth, her voice now muffled. Hanamaru tried to find out who was she, the one with the long ponytail, but she had a mask on. All that she could make out was that she had blue hair and smelled like the ocean.

The blue head went back beside the other girl. "If you plan to escape you can't. Even if you plan to, we'll kill you. Even if you use magic we will kill you. We won't hesitate. After all you're just a mini part of the grand scheme."

Hanamaru had a whole bunch of thoughts and feelings coming up. 'What scheme zura? Why am I here zura? Will I even see daylight zura? I'm scared zura...' her train of thoughts were broken by the blue head when she began to speak. "You are here to attract your friends here so that they can tell us information related to their previous mission."

Hanamaru's mind went into overdrive. She remembered giving the Three Mermaids a huge stack of books. Old books that were at the back of the most recent books. None of them had seen those books before. Hanamaru didn't even know they existed till she was reorganizing the library again with Ruby. All those books were about an ancient swords. Only the best could obtain that sword. It was said that a great squadron called μ's had created these swords and were known for their power. The problem is that these swords had the power to destroy as well create. The squadron had reached a point where they were invincible, or at least till they felt that they were too powerful and that they must destroy the swords. The problem they couldn't. So they hid the swords locked up deep in a place. No one knows where the swords are now except for them. The next problem. No one knows where they are. The Three Mermaids had found out where one of them are and that was the forest which they went to along with her and Ruby.

It was because of this that now she is stuck in a place she least expected to be. All she hoped was that someone would save her but she didn't want her friends to be in danger because of her. "If you want you can join us. You seem to be a quite knowledgeable person. If you do we will free you... after we get what we want." the other one said.

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