Save her (part 1)

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Here she was. Yoshiko wasn't really a fallen angel. She merely gave that name Yohane and the title Fallen Angel to look special. She knew was as ordinary as anyone else. But she didn't want to be ordinary. She wanted to be known for something. Not everyone would accept her. Usually she was kept aside for her unusual behavior. Only two people had actually accepted her for who she was. One her master and her old friend that she had to leave behind, for reasons.

"I can't believe I'm here." she muttered. She was here spying on the trespassers. Her master the great witch Nozomi had sent her to check upon the intruders who entered their part if the forest. Well she wasn't here to sabotage their journey. In fact she was here to protect them. From the tree she sat on she could see a familiar face. She didn't know where she's seen her but she knew one thing, she was pretty. Really pretty.

Then what she wished didn't happen happened, again. "Oh no!" she wailed as she dropped from the tree she was hiding in. In the process she almost got trampled by a freaked out horse who happened to be right in front of her and a red haired girl with pigtails who ended up jumping off her horse. "Woah girl." the girl told her horse will patting it's neck. "Are you alright?" the orange head on the horse said with concern.

Meanwhile, Yoshiko's mind was a mess. She had broken her cover, again. There was only one thing left to do which might end up scaring the group of five in front of her. "Where am I? Is this place called earth?"

"She is totally not alright." said the orange haired girl. Her other three comrades were confused and the brunette had a thoughtful expressions. "I am a fallen angel... since you have helped me find a step of the way to help I shall call you my little demons. Bow before me!"

"We are not you little demons and we will not now before you... uh..." the other red head with long hair said, clearly annoyed.

"Yoshiko chan is that you?" the brunette said before jumping off her horse and approached Yoshiko. "No its Yohane!"

Meanwhile Yoshiko's mind was a mess. In front of her was the girl she was checking out (she hoped Nozomi won't find out) and her identity had been revealed. "Oh a fallen angel mustn't reveal their identity but since your my little demons it's fine."

"Hanamaru chan do you know her?" the grey haired girl asked. "I think so zura."

'Zura' that word made Yoshiko remember who the brunette was. It was Hanamaru. Her friend. The only one who accepted her when she was small. She would call her Zuramaru. They were good friends when they were small but now was a whole other story they hadn't seen each other in ten years. 'She is really hot. Wait what are you thinking of Yohane! You are a fallen angel. You shouldn't have such feelings for a mortal.' her brain was a mess again. She didn't expect the girl who would say 'mirai zura' for almost everything would be this pretty.

"Play rock-paper-sissors with me zura." she said her expression serious. 'Great. Just great. Yohane teleport out of here.' Yoshiko thought. "Ah I have descended from heaven. How would I know how to play such a foolish game?" she desperately tried to flee from the situation. "Just play zura."

"Janken pon!" Yoshiko lost like usual. She had put her signature style of scissors. "It is you zura! Remember me, it's Hanamaru zura!"Hanamaru said, her serious expression turning into a happy one. "Ha-na-ma-ru... I don't know any Hanamaru" Yoshiko lied before she ran away.

"Wait Yoshiko chan!" Hanamaru chased Yoshiko while her comrades were calling out for Hanamaru to come back. The pigtail girl started to chase Hanamaru while screaming, "Hanamaru chan wait!"

Yoshiko ran on the familiar path with Hanamaru behind her. Yoshiko could feel a warm sensation on her back. 'Is this what I think it is? No it can't.' Yoshiko asked herself. She heard a scream yet Yoshiko kept running, she needed to get out of here. "Hanamaru chan!" she heard a voice scream. Yoshiko turned around and saw that Hanamaru was missing. The red head that was following Hanamaru began to cry. It was all Yoshiko's fault. "What happened?"

"T-they t-took her... I-I was too f-far away t-to stop them..." the girl sobbed.  Yoshiko clenched her teeth. Those bandits would never keep there hands to themselves. "What ever your name is-"
"It's Ruby."
"Alright Ruby I'm going to teleport your friends and you to a friend of mine. Tell her what happened."

"W-What about you?" Ruby said in between sobs. "I'm going after her..."  Yoshiko lifted her hand to cast her teleportation spell. "Do your Rubesty!" Ruby made an action after she calmed down a bit. Yoshiko had no clue what that meant but smiled before she casted it. Ruby who was in front if her disappeared.

Yoshiko would go after her old friend and find the bandits' hideout before anything happened to her.

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