The Lair

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  And I've resurrected from the hell of studies and school to finish it and here I am after 1 month posting this. Yeah I know I took to long but hey better to be late than never. I hope it's good enough.  


"Pinkie where's Yoshiko chan?" Ruby asked her trusty bird who jumped in circles avoiding her question. "Pinkie don't tell me you-" she didn't need to finish her sentence. Right before her Pinkie choked and out came a teeny tiny Yoshiko covered in bird spit. Unluckily she landed on the ground face first from and height. "How did she get so tiny zura?" Hanamaru looked at her somewhat amused, poking Yoshiko trying to wake her up. Pinkie tweeted and chirped as her answer.

Pinkie, a pink robin, was Ruby's soul bird. It meant that the bird and her shared an unbreakable bond. The bond is formed at an early age usually the first bird one interacts with. After finding their human the bird usually stays at the Forest of Birds where it waits to be claimed by its human. Due to this Ruby could understand whatever her bird said. Unfortunately not many people know of this type of bond and it's importance. Birds having found there soul human usually live for long when compared to those who are never claimed.

"She says Yoshiko drank a potion," Ruby translated, "then turned tiny." Ruby though happy her friend was saved she knew the bird had other intentions. "But Pinkie you shouldn't eat Yoshiko chan." the bird tweeted in reply, almost like it was whining. "Even if she looks tasty don't eat her its not nice." Ruby gave her a disapproving look. The bird chirped and flew to Ruby's shoulder, nuzzling into her neck as a way to say sorry. "It okay Pinkie as long as you don't do it again. Now, Maru chan is she awake?"

"Almost zura." Hanamaru examined the pinto bean sized Yoshiko in her palm who shuffled every time Hanamaru poked her sides with her eyes still closed. Ruby's attention went back to Pinkie, this time asking her if she had found the bandit's lair.

And were they in luck. After days of searching they had found it. It became tough for the three after Chika and Riko had gotten injured terribly. So hearing this made Ruby smile happily as if someone handed her a lollipop. It was the first good news they have heard in days.

"Maru chan, they found it!" She turned on her heels facing Hanamaru who seemed to be stifling a laugh as Yoshiko who was finally awake rambled on about something. Yoshiko breaking away from whatever she was explaining to Hanamaru giving an annoyed expression. "My fourth little demon, your sidekick's mouth is worse than Cerberus' ass." Yoshiko said belching, remembering her horrible trip down that bird. Yoshiko's voice had made her laugh. It was so high pitched, nothing she'd ever heard before, similar to that of a chipmunk. "Yoshiko chan watch your language zura."though more than a scolding it was more of a fit of giggles.

"My little demons let us go to the forsaken land of destruction and raise our flags." it took every fibre within Ruby and Hanamaru not to burst into laughter as Yoshiko talked.


"Mirai zura!" Hanamaru looked around her in awe as they walked around a room filled with gadgets she had never seen in her entire life. "Shh, Zuramaru let's say they're here?"
"Right." Ruby pulled Hanamaru out who was trailing behind her, mainly because Ruby was scared of what was yet to come.

They had been walking down the deserted hallway for minutes now, opening each door to find no one there. According to Yoshiko and Pinkie there were bandits roaming each and every corner of the camouflaged building. This only made it weird. How can so many bandits disappear without a trace?

"There is a door here." Ruby whimpered. Ruby did not want to meet those bandits. "Open it Ruby chan, zura." Ruby nodded hesitantly groaning inwardly. She touched the door and contact she contracted, jumping behind Hanamaru, squeaking. "It's ice cold!"
"Why, my little demon can't bare the coldness of Niflheim? This is nothing for I hold the power of a fallen angel." Yoshiko chortling was cut short when Hanamaru moved her hand on which Yoshiko was standing on to the door. Yoshiko yelped due to the sudden metallic coldness that touched her body. "Hey!"

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