Hold on, we're becoming knights

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In the kingdom of small kingdom of Uranohoshi was a girl know one really knew. She was just your average girl who loved books. Hanamaru Kunikida, the daughter of the head priest of the King's court was spending time in the library, like any other day while eating her bread. Her presence wasn't usually notice due to her quiet personality. This did not mean she didn't have any friends. Ruby Kurosawa, the youngest daughter of one of the ministers was her great friend. Hanamaru did have another friend though. It had been a long time since she had seen her. She went by the name Yoshiko Tsushima who called herself  Yohane. Though now she has no clue where she is though.

She was reading one of her favourite books. It was a story where two girls who were separated, are reunited and go on quests and eventually fall in love. "Maru chan!" a familiar voice brought her back to reality and look up from her book. "Ah Ruby chan, what happened?"
"I saw the new squadron of knights! They call themselves Three Mermaids! They look so brave." Ruby said, her eyes sparkling. "I will make sure I note down there achievements in a book for future generations to come." Ruby said, excited. "You sure love the knights zura." she said, happy for her friend.

Ruby's loved to watch the knights preform their duties and read books about them. She thought knights were brave and courageous, ready to stand in front of any challenge without any fear. They stood with pride and honour and were one and courteous people. That was her definition of a knight. Her elder sister, Dia Kurosawa, the right hand man or to say woman of her father due to her capabilities, also loved the valorous knights.

A knock came from the door before three girls probably a year older than her entered. "Pigii!" Ruby squealed as she saw them entering, and hid behind Hanamaru. Ruby wasn't good with new people. She was very shy. Very shy.

"Ah Hanamaru chan thank you for lending us these books!" the orange haired girl, Chika said. "They were of great help for our quest."
"Your welcome zura."
"Is that Ruby chan?" Chika asked to which Ruby squealed. "Do you both want to become knight like me, Riko chan and You chan?"

Before the two could answer the red head, Riko and the grey haired girl You stopped her. "Don't you think this is a bit sudden, Chika chan?" You said. "Exactly. Not only that we have just got our titles as knights with a lot of hardships to bear. Don't you think it'll scare them?" Riko said, supporting You. "Hai, hai. You know the two of you would make amazing knights. You both are free to join us whenever you want." Chika said before leaving with her comrades.

"Those were the knights of the new squadron. They look so brave." Ruby swooned after a moment of silence. "I'd like to join them but..."
"But what zura?"
"I want you to do it with me."

Hanamaru didn't expect that coming.  "I'm not good at these stuff." Hanamaru said, "I would support you though."
"Oh. Onee-chan won't let me to join them alone. But its alright." Ruby said with a smile.

The day went by in a flash. Hanamaru could only think about the offer. Maybe she could try. Maybe. She wasn't good at anything athletic though. As the two were packing up for the day at the library Hanamaru told her best friend, "Let's be knights together zura."

And so the adventure began for the bookish, quiet girl along with her companion to become a knight. Becoming a knight wasn't easy and she knew it. But she was ready for whatever was in front if her.

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