They both stare at me like I have two heads. What is their problem? "So wait, Zayn likes you? And you like him?" Liam says, getting excited. Oh god, I knew this would happen. " I don't know if he likes me or not and I don't like people in that way" I say, feeling my cheeks heat up once again.

"I know! We'll call Zayn and invite him over!" Liam suddenly says and I shake my head quickly. "No, that's not a good idea" I quickly say, my heart going fast. Why am I worrying though? It's only Zayn. It's just embarrassment of me running into him that's all.

I see Liam pick up his phone and I feel my heart bang against my chest. He scrolls down his phone before stopping and pressing it. Shit, he's really calling him. I lower myself on the couch and hide my face in my hands. Liam puts the phone on loudspeaker and with every ring, my heart speeds up. Why though?

"Hey mate. What's up?" I hear from the other side of the phone and I feel my cheeks heat up more. Damn it, it's only because I foolishly ran into him, not because I have feelings for him or whatever. "Awh nothing much just chilling and wondering would you be able to come over? We have a special surprise for you" Liam says and winks over at me. I groan and cover my hands over my face again. I am so going to get these dickheads back.

"Uhm sure mate, just text me the address and ill head over. What is it?" Zayn asks, sounding confused. He's going to be really disappointed when he figures out that the surprise is actually me. "You'll see when you get here and sure mate, see you soon." Liam says and hangs up. I see him quickly text Zayn before putting his phone down and smiling at me. "Okay, you can thank me now" Liam says, high-fiving Niall who laughs at me. "You guys are dickheads" I say, crossing my arms. Liam's phone buzzes on the table and he smiles before texting back. "Your boyfriend will be here any minute so I'd fix yourself up if I were you" Liam says winking and my heart speeds up when he says "boyfriend". As if I need one of those, I'm pretty fine by myself. "Thanks for your offer Liam but I am perfectly fine by myself thank you very much" I say, smiling at him.

He just laughs but stops when we all hear the doorbell. Oh shit, he's here. What do I do? Do I look okay? That was a stupid question, I always look great.(HONEST TRUTH OMG) Liam goes to get the door while Niall comes over and straightens my jacket on me and fixing my hair. "I know you wont admit it Louis but please, make a move during the film. I seen you's two and I can tell you's are going to be an amazing couple, you just need to make the first move. Good luck mate" Niall whispers into my ear, hugging me and patting my back. I nod at him and look to the door where Liam guides a blindfolded Zayn. Well sort of blindfolded if Liam's hands count as a blindfold. I feel my heart speed up and for some reason, I can't take my eyes off his perfect lips which are in a pout.

Liam removes his hands and his eyes go straight to me before smiling. "Surprise!" Liam shouts and I laugh and shake my head at the idiot. "Hey Louis" Zayn says, winking and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I stare at my lap, afraid to meet Zayn's eyes. He makes me feel nervous and weak and I don't like it one bit. I feel the couch dip beside me and sure enough, there he is. Niall presses play on the remote and Liam runs over and dives on top of Niall. Zayn and I laugh at the pair before we both look at each other. For some reason, I feel myself staring into his eyes. I never noticed how beautiful they were until now. I quickly turn my attention to the movie and feel more heat rise to my cheeks. I must look like a tomato at this stage.

Halfway through the movie, I turn to look at the lads but they are too busy in a make out session, not even bothering to watch the movie. Zayn notices too and there's a sudden awkwardness in the air. I mean there is a couple right beside us, eating the faces off each other. I feel Zayn move over and I guess it's because of the kissy couple. Or he wants to get closer to me. Either way, I don't mind. I move slightly more to him until we are completely touching and he smiles at me. I freak inside secretly. What do I do now? Do I put my arm around him? Hold his hand? Kiss him...No, that's way past my comfort zone yet.

I decide with putting my arm around him and the only way that pops into my head is the yawn move, Yes, pathetic but it's worth a shot I suppose. Niall did tell me to make the first move. I pretend to yawn before streatching my arm behind him and lying it on his shoulder, moving slightly closer to him. I look to see his reaction and all he does is blush and look down at his lap. Is he uncomfortable with this? Does he want me to move my arm? I begin to worry that I messed everything up between us but then I feel a hand on my knee. I stare in shock at his hand on my knee because I seriously wasn't expected that. Okay, I'm ready. I can do this, Louis you can do this. I let out a silent deep breath before turning my head to him. We stare at each other for a minute or two before I quickly glance down at his lips and without realizing, I feel myself licking my lips.

I don't really know how it actually happened but slowly, I felt myself leaning forward to Zayn and I could see Zayn doing the same. Are we really going to do this? Do I really want to do this? I use my free hand to cup Zayns cheek and I tilt my head and watch his eyelids flutter closed before I do the same. I gulp before slowly pressing my lips to him. It takes me a few seconds to get used to his lips against mine and before I start to move mine against his and I feel him move along with me. We kiss slowly and smoothly and I must admit he is a brilliant kisser. I feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach which is strange since I never get butterflies and I mean never.

                                                    What have I gotten myself into now?

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum