Chapter 13

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Hello! I apologize for my late update but things have just been so crazy and stressful for me! I got boxed twice at boxing on Monday, loads of projects to do, ton of homework and studying for important exams coming up next month! Ugggh! Anyways, chapter 13 ! :)

Niall's P.O.V

Last night was amazing. We didn't do anything if you were thinking something else. All we did was cuddle on the couch and watched cheesy, romantic movies. They were know the bits were me and Liam weren't kissing and were actually watching it. I'm so glad I admitted to him. It was a bit of a shock when he said they "L" word to me. I nearly forgot to say it back when he said it! But I did and I do. I really do.

I feel arms wrap around my waist as I pour the milk into mine and Liam's tea's and jump a little. I hear Liam laugh behind me as I wipe the milk that spilled. "You scared the life out of me " I say, with a straight face. " sorry babe" he says, kissing my neck. I smile. " Babe". Who knew it could take one word to brighten your day? Liam by himself does that though.

I turn around and peck his lips quickly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He smiles before reconnecting his lips with mine. Mine move with his slowly at first but things get heated up. I switch us around so he's the one against the counter. My hands trail down to his hips and I stroke his thighs, hoping he gets the hint to jump. He pulls away from me and gives me a confused look, looking down." Jump" I whisper in his ear, before reconnecting my lips to his. He jumps and I grab a hold of his bum, while he wraps his legs against my hips.

I walk us into the sitting room and lay Liam down. I straddle his hips and take my t- shirt off. When my top is off, Liam's hands automatically touch my slight six pack. " I'm sorry, it's not much" I say embarrassed because I know he has a nicer body than me." You're so perfect " he says, kissing my stomach.

I tilt his head up and connect our lips again. He lays his head back and I hold myself up by putting my hands on both sides of the couch. I move my hips, only because they were getting tired but moan at the friction between me and Liam. I do it again and it's Liam who moans. I tug at the bottom of his t-shirt before pulling away and lifting if off him. I stare at his bruised yet beautiful body. I kiss all the bruises, making sure not to go to hard incase it hurts. I pull away after kissing the last one. " I love you" I say, before crashing my lips against his.

We pull away and I put my hand on his belt, looking to see if it's alright. He nods quickly and I unbuckle his jeans. I kiss his lips roughly and unzip his jeans. I look down at the top of his black boxers. We're actually doing this. And I'm not scared. I attach my lips to his as my hand travels down to Liam's waist and just when I'm about to put my hand in his boxers..."Ni, I'm home, time to tell me about this Li-" I look towards the door to see Louis, standing there with a hand over his mouth. Shit.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora