Chapter 41

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hey guys :) i cant get over all the comments, votes, reads, everything! You's are all amazing and I can't thank you enough for everything! Writing really means a lot to me so seeing all your cute comments just makes me so so so happy :3 so Thank You! I love every single one of you and I hope you enjoy Chapter 41! :) OMG CRYING FROM LIAM BEING MRS HORAN HE IS TRYING TO KILL ME OMG BUT THE WAY HE IS TALKING ABOUT NIALL IS PROABLY HIS REAL FEELINGS BUT PEOPLE THINK HES MESSING AND THE NEW NIAM SELFIE IM DYING ASDFGHJKL <3

Liam's P.O.V

"I'm going to kill that bastard" Niall shouts, running to the front door. I quickly grab him back because I truly believe he would do it and as much as Bobby deserves a good hit, murder is out of the question completely. "Liam...let me go" Niall says, through his clenched teeth. He's pretty scary when he's mad but I know he would never hurt me. "No Niall, I can't let you, I'm sorry." I say, pulling him into my body closely. At first he fights it, he pulls away and shakes a bit but after a while, he settles into my touch and cries. He has strong grip on the back of my t-shirt as the cries escape his body. I look over at Maura who has her hands covering her mouth, tears falling down her cheeks. I move Niall and I over to her and let her cling onto me too. They both need it.

"Come on, lets go sit. I'll make some tea." I say, trying to calm them both down. I sit both of them down and im about to walk into the kitchen when Maura grabs onto my hand. "No Liam, your the guest. You sit, I'll make the tea" she says, drying her tears up. I shake my head at her. "It's okay Maura, you just sit here.I dont mind making the tea" I say, smiling at her. "Your'e an angel Liam, you know that" she says, looking me in the eyes. I look at her shocked, I never thought a person would refer to me, Liam Payne, as an angel. An angel is beautiful. And that is something I could never be. Her son though, the man who sits to the right of her, he is an angel. A real, living angel. He's beautiful. He only does good, he has even saved my life! If that doesnt sum up an angel, I really dont believe in them then.

I smile at her politely before hurrying to make tea. After I make the tea, I hand the cups to Niall and Maura. "You make a lovely cup of tea Liam. Thank you" Maura says, politely. "No problem" I say, looking over at Niall. He has only looked up once and that was when I handed him his tea. I get up from my seat on the armchair and sit beside Niall. He moves over a little but I just pull him closer to me until he is on my lap. "You okay babe?" I whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek softly. I see Maura looking at us, a smile on her face. Niall nods his head before burying it into my neck. I rub his back soothing his little cries, whispering sweet things into his ear.

He calms down after a bit and pulls his head away from my neck. I'm taken into suprise when he kisses me suddenly. I kiss him back, slowly. He pulls away after a minute, probably because his mother is right beside us. "That was adorable, boys"  Maura says, interrupting mine and Niall's little eye staring. I see Niall's eyes widen as a deep red spreads over his cheeks. "Thanks Maura" I say, smiling at her then turning to wink at Niall, messing with him. I peck his lips, smiling at him. He gives me a small smile back and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I calmed Niall Horan when he was at his worst.

"Maura, I have a few questions for you." I say, clearing my throat. She takes a sip out of her tea before nodding to continue. "First, have you any idea where Bobby can be right now? Like anywhere" I ask, holding onto Niall. I can feel his breathing get heavier already at the mention of Bobby. Maura shakes her head at first but then stops. "Well he does go to the pub a lot when he's angry or upset, that or Greg and Denise's." Maura says, biting her lip. I nod at her and let out a deep breath. "Okay, we will have to check them two places in a while. Second question is has bobby ever hurt you or anyone else like this before?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yes he has but it was nothing major, I swear. He also put a knife to Niall's friend's neck and cut him but he was mad" she says and I feel Niall squirm on my lap when he hears this isnt the first time Bobby has hurt his mother. "Fucking bastard" I hear Niall say, his fists clenched.If I wasn't holding him, I know he would be out the door in a second after him. "Ssh Niall, its alright." I say, grabbing his chin and making him look into eyes. I stare into his until his breath goes normal again. I lean in, catching his lips in mine and move them passionately against his, no hurry in the world. He moves back just as slowly. I pull away after a minute incase things heat up with Maura in the room. "You okay?" I ask and he nods his head, pecking my lips again.

"Okay Maura, sorry to hear about that. We have to call the police though, I'm afraid. He has to be stopped for what hes been doing, its not right." I say, being careful with my words. I dont want to hurt Maura any more than she already is. That would be a terrible thing to do. "I understand Liam and I agree, he does need to be stopped." Maura says, suprising me and Niall. I nod in agreement at her. I'm glad she understands its the right thing to do. "Oh and the last question Maura is..." I pause, biting my lip. I feel butterflies in my belly when I look into his eyes and he gives me a confused look before he finally understands what im about to ask Maura.

He nods at me, kissing my cheek. "Maura, your son Niall here is amazing. I love him with everything I have. And I know I dont have a lot but being with your son makes me feel like I have everything. Because your son is everything I could ever want and what I really want to know is....Can I have your son for the rest of my life? I promise you I will love him and care for him no matter what and always give him the best of me till the day I die." I finish, looking her straight in the eyes to show that not a single word I said was a lie.

She looks shocked at first and for a minute, I'm positive she is going to say no but she quickly grabs me and Niall into a hug. Niall looks over at me confused and I shrug my shoulders at him. She pulls away and I see tears roll down her cheeks. "Liam, hunny of course you can marry my son. I'd be very dissapointed if you werent my son in law." she says, wiping the tears away. "Thank you so much Maura" I say, bringing her into another hug. I turn to Niall, who is smiling from ear to ear at me and bring him into a kiss. We both end up smiling into the kiss, making us laugh. I pull away, only to be pulled in again by him.

Everything is perfect. Well that was until we heard a banging on the door and police sirens.

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