Chapter 36

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Hey guys! I am so sorry for this late update and not answering comments, I had no internet these past days because I'm in my friends house. But I needed to update! Thank you to everyone, I can't believe the amount of reads this story is getting, it is unbelievably! Love You's!  So here is Chapter 36! *Warning: NIAM PORN* I apologize for the shitness of this chapter too, I can't write smut*

Liam's P.O.V

This is it. This is my time. After the lovely meal with Niall, I bring him back to our place. And now I am sort of freaking out. I mean, I'm not a virgin, Niall sort of stole that but I never topped anyone. I've always been a bottom since I am the younger one but tonight I am about to change all that. I am going to top Niall Horan no matter what.

Getting out of the car was the hard part though. I had to somehow bring in the lube and condom into the house without Niall seeing them. I might just leave the condom in the car, there is some in Niall's drawer. When I stop the car, I lean over and kiss Niall roughly. He responds quickly, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I quickly grab the lube from the drawer without making too much noise, praying Niall doesnt pull away and see. That would be so awkward.

I manage to get the lube into my back pocket without Niall seeing as I jump out of the car, getting Niall. I carry him in bridal style, burying my face into his neck. He giggles and I laugh at him. I love his little giggles. I put him down as soon as we get in the door. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pushing me back against the door. As much as I love this position, I need to be the one in control. I need to be the leader.

I switch us around so he is the one pressed against the door and he moans. I smile proudly, this feels better than I thought. I like being in control, its something different I guess. I slip my tongue into his mouth and he returns the gesture, roughly. I grab his hips roughly, grinding them on mine. We moan in unison as our members rub against each other. I pinch his hips and he lets out a jump, giving me a chance to wrap his legs around my hips. "Wow Liam, you scared the life out of me" Niall whispers, throwing his head back as I suck on his neck, carrying him to our bedroom. You cant mess this up now, Liam. Focus and show him how much you love him.

I lay Niall down on the bed, putting my body in between his legs. I hover over him, not wanting to put all of my weight onto Niall. I grind against his crotch causing friction between both of us. I crash my lips onto his, not as rough as last time. I want this to be filled with love and pleasure.  

I lean back and take off my vest top quickly. Niall just stares up at my stomach before sitting up and kissing my six pack. Yes, I somehow got a six pack, the jogging and exercising really did a good job for me. It sticks out weirdly and I think thats because of my damaged skin and scars. Niall doesn't seem to mind it at all. I push him down again, kissing his lips softly while un buttoning his shirt with my eyes closed. I dont know how I am doing it but I hope it gives Niall a good impression.

I fling his shirt on the ground, not really caring where it lands. I then attack his chest with my lips, sucking in diffrent places. I stop kissing his chest and pull his head down to connect our lips, softly. I break away and leave light kisses all down his neck, stopping at his sweet spot. I suck hard and hear a loud moan comes from Niall's mouth. I suck again and his back archs and he grinds his hips on mine. I can already feel his hard on underneath mine.

I grind down on him, causing a moan between both of us. I put my hand down and palm him through his jeans, teasing him. I keep kissing down his neck and onto his chest. He is a moaning mess underneath me. And I love it. I kiss down his abs and look up at him, the zipper of my jeans in my mouth ready to zip down. He nods eagerly and I would laugh right now if I wasnt as eager as he is. I zip them down and slide them down his skinny legs. He kicks them down onto the ground quickly. I laugh and connect my lips to his one last time. I break away and slide down his body. I let out hot breaths on his covered crotch, making him squirm underneath me.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora