Chapter 51

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Hey guys! I'm so happy to see all your comments and everything on this story, it seriously means a lot to me so thank you to al of you guys! It still suprises me to see the amount of people who read this! You's are all amazing, seriously thank you so much!😄 Sorry for the late update, I was feeling poorly since Thursday so I didn't have a chance to update! Sorry guys! Enjoy the chapter though! *P.S Paul is Paul, the boys bodyguard byway haha incase anyone wanted to know* *cute pic on side aw aw*

Niall's P.O.V

How did I ever get so lucky to find Liam? I am simply blessed by him and that is the truth. I snuggle into him more, squezzing him tighter. I look up at him, smiling. "You okay babe?" Liam asks, giving me a funny look. "I'm more than okay Liam, I'm brilliant and I'm in love with you" I say, connecting our lips together. He stays still for a moment before moving against mine. He pulls away shortly though, his face a light pink. "Your family is all here" he says, looking around at everyone."Yeah but their okay with us Liam, they dont care if we kiss" I say, laughing.

We both lift out heads however when we hear the doorbell. "I got it everyone" Liam says, suprising me. Who is it and why is Liam going to answer? "No Liam, sit I'll get it" I say, standing up quickly but he shakes his head at me. He pecks my lips quickly before sitting me down again. "No it's fine, I got it babe" he says, smiling at me before going to get the door. I look around at the rest of my family who shrug thier shoulders and are obviously as confused as I am right now.

After hearing the mumbling of two voices, one Liam's and the other one I can't recoginize, Liam returns with a man who has a camera bag strapped around his waist and a video camera in his other arm. What? "Guys, I would like you all to meet Paul." Liam says, smiling widely. What is going on? We all mumble a quiet hello to Paul and I give Liam a 'what the heck' look. He laughs at me before coming over and bringing me to Paul. Paul smiles at me and I return a small one, I am so confused. "Everyone sit, there's something Paul wants to show you's." Liam says to my family who shrug their shoulders before sitting down on the couch.

I give Liam yet another confused look. He smiles at me before pecking my lips and handing me a disc. "What's this?" I ask him. "Just put it in and you'll see" Liam says, smiling at me. I give him a weird look but walk over to the dvd player anyway. I put in the disc and press play. A picture of Liam and I pops up onto the screen straight away. I walk over to where Liam sits on the couch and sit on his lap. "What is this?" I ask him, again. "Us" he replies simply. "Niall + Liam Forever" comes up in italic fancy writing across the screen. My jaw drops when I see what follows after.

It's Liam's proposal. It show's us at the exact spot where he asked me to marry him. He was videoing the whole thing? I watch in awe as the events unfold and everyone is listening to our conversation and I bury my hands in my face at what comes next. "You're so cheesy Liam, I'm starting to think you're turning into a cheeseball" Everyone laughs at my clueless to the situation but then stops when Liam goes down on one knee. Everyones aww's at us and I feel Liam pull me closer.

The video stops and pictures of me and Liam pop onto the screen. I dont know how Paul did it but he has Liam's proposal speech playing without the video and just pictures of us going on the screen. It's amazing. I blush more when I see Liam added our selfies of us pulling silly faces and even some of us kissing. I hear him laugh behind me so I hit him playfully. He sticks his tongue out at me before nodding at the TV again.

There on it shows pictures taken also of the proposal. It shows us kissing, me running to hug Liam and a beautiful one of Liam, looking at me in such a loving way it makes my heart stop. This is the best suprise ever. I can't believe he went through so much work to make this perfect. I truly and deeply love him. I turn on his lap and suprise kiss him. He stays shocked for a few seconds before kissing me back fully. I hear everyone around us clap for us and awh at us and I smile while kissing Liam. This couldn't be more perfect.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora