Chapter 40

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Hey guys :) Thank you to every single one of you guys for everything! It still amazes me when I see people voting or commenting on this story and I cant get over the adoration you's guys have for this book, its unreal! This chapter though is dedicated to ViviiHoran! She is the one you's can all thank for the amazing new cover of Mr Horan! I think its absoultely incredible and couldnt be more happier with it! So thank you ViviiHoran, this chapter is for you! <3 :)

Niall's P.O.V

I can't do it. For the past hour and a half, I have tossed, turned, cuddled into Liam in hopes sleep would come to me but there seems to be none coming my way anytime soon. When will my thoughts leave me alone? Why do they enjoy eating me till there is none of me left? I feel like my head will explode any minute now and splat all across my old bedroom walls and Liam. I shiver at the horrible image. I turn to Liam and stroke his colourful, swollen jaw. My poor baby. How could I have ever let this happen to him? That should be me, I should have been the one who felt the pain and took it like a man. I'm just a coward though. I let poor Liam take my pain instead of facing up to it myself.

I can't look at him anymore, the guilt is eating more and more of me by the minute just staring at his poor, innocent face. I slowly disconnect my legs from his and slide the sheets off of me. I kiss his cheek lightly and tiptoe away from him. The wooden boards in the hallway creak as I walk to the kitchen. I walk in and nearly jump in the air when I see my mother, her back against me. As I step towards her, I hear her little cries and how her body is slouched down. "Mam?" I say quietly, afraid i'll scare her. She grabs a tissue beside her quickly and wipes her face before turning to me. My mouth drops when I look at her face.

"That little bas-" I say, my jaw clenching. My mam quickly stops me mid sentence by telling me to keep quiet. "He did this to you, didnt he?" I say, my voice cracking at the end. My tears threaten to spill and soon enough, i can feel them falling down my cheeks as I let out a hurtful sob even though it wasn't me who he hurt. My poor mother is getting beatings now because of stupid me. "Love, sshh, its alright, really? I just got on the bad side of him, it was my fault" my mam whispers, running her fingers through my hair to soothe me down. She always did this when I was upset as a kid. Some things never change I guess.

I pull away after a few minutes and wipe my face dry of tears. "That's it mam, i'm not letting him go near anyone else I love, im going to the police to report him. He can't keep getting away with hurting the people I care about" I say, walking over to the house phone. Mam shakes her head quickly. "No, no we cant son, it will only make things worse and we both know we dont want that" Maura says, a look of fear on her face. She must really love the prick if she still cares about him going to jail or not after what he did to her.

"No mam, I'm not letting him get away with this. Things will get worse if we keep bloody quiet about it, I cant let it get worse, he's already scarred Louis, boxed my boyfriend and bruised my fucking mother, for christs sake" I shout, getting angry at her for standing up for him. I grab the phone that she took off me a minute ago and dial the police. "Where is the cunt anyway?" I ask, rolling my eyes when it rings 4 times with no answer. "Niall, stop cursing. You know I hate it when you curse and that is your father you are talking about, I know he hasnt been the best lately but that still doesnt change anything." Mam says, grabbing the phone off me again.

"Father? You mean the man who held a knife against my best friends neck and actually scarred him? The man who kicked his own son out of the family just because of his sexuality? Who beats up the woman he apparently loves? No, he lost the father figure a long time ago. He's just a man I used to know now" I say, a single tear falling from my eye. "Call me whatever but im still calling the police on him" I say, taking the phone off her.

"Niall? What's going on?" I turn to the door where a tired looking Liam stands, a blanket thrown over his shoulders. He wipes his eyes cutely before yawning. "Nothing baby, you go back to bed, everything is alright" I say walking over to him and hugging him. "I heard you shouting. Who were you shouting at?" Liam mumbles, his voice cracking. "My mam, its alright now babe, okay?" I say, running my hands through his quiff.

I turn my head slightly, still holding liams head against my shoulder. "Put some ice on that mam or it will get worse" I say to her and she nods, wiping a tear from her face.  Liam's head pops up at the mention of ice. "Why does Maura need ice??" Liam asks, his everybrows scrunched. "Same thing that happened to your poor face." I say, looking down sadly. Both I let happen.

I watch as Liam's eyes widen and he quickly unwraps himself from me and walks over to Maura. Maura looks at him sadly as I watch him bend down and get the ice for my mam. "Thank you Liam" she says, putting the ice pack to her face. One side of her face is purple now and it looks to be swollen already. "Wait you didnt answer my question mam, where is he now?" I ask mam, remembering our fight earlier. Mam looks up and looks between me and Liam before looking down. "Mam, where is he?" I say, closing my eyes afraid for what she would say next

                                    "He took all our money and sort of....left town."

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