Chapter 32

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Hi guys :) As I said in some comments (which was funny to read xD) I am updating today! Tommorrow is a busy day as I am going to be an auntie again :D I have been looking forward to meeting my niece/nephew since the moment I found out my sister was pregnant! I am just so excited its unreal haha. I wanna say a big thank you to everyone reading this as your support and everything is just amazing and I feel really lucky to have such amazing people read my shite and idk guys i just really love you's <3 Thank You! I really do mean it when I say that it means a lot to me because it does. I love you amazing people! Extra long for my extraordinary people! :)

Louis P.O.V (Suprise!)

My throat feels like it is about to close up as I recall the time I went to meet Niall's parents. I can honestly say it was like a nightmare. "Well it was when me and Niall had first met at college and you know, we became good friends." I tell Liam, who stares at me with curious eyes. I smile at the memory of a young, geeky Niall who stuttered to anyone he talked too. His recently new dyed blonde hair, hiding the brown roots that show now. Him in his collared shirts and tight pants. He was the perfect picture of a geek. And he had the brain of one. Me, on the otherhand, was not a geek. Quite the opposite. I am actually suprised that I even got into that college.

"It took a while for Niall to trust me and act himself around me. He was extremly antisocial when we first met. He stuttered all the time to everyone and if you moved close to him, he'd nearly jump a mile away from you" I say, laughing at the memory of the awkward mess that was Niall Horan. "After that, he loosened up to me and yeah, we became best friends" I say, smiling.

"A year after we met, Niall invited me to his old house in Ireland and of course, I agreed. I had never left the country so I nearly pissed myself when he said he wanted me to go." I laugh, thinking back on the good memory. Playing fifa in Niall's dorm, eating doritios and just enjoying life I suppose. I remember jumping up and tackling him in a hug and shooting up quickly, desperate to find my old suitcase. Little did I know that was the calm before the storm. 

"When we got there, to Niall's house I mean, I met his parents. Maura was super friendly and polite as she always is and Bobby...well he wasnt so friendly and polite." I say, looking at Niall. He shivers at his fathers name but apart from that, there are no tears. "He gave me this look, I was so confused by it and scared so I just moved closer to Niall who gave me a confused look at the time. He said nothing though and we went to Niall's room to mess around and relax as you do. Thats when Niall told me about his sexuality and how he didnt want to hide the truth from the people he loved anymore. He wanted to tell his parents that he was gay." I say, shaking at the end because I know what happens next.

"So after dinner we were all in the sitting room, watching some show on tv. I knew by the way Niall was chewing his bottom lip, he was nervous and scared. I was too for him. I remember him, breathing a deep breath and standing up. I still remember my thoughts when he said he needed to tell them something they deserve to know. Brave. It was the first time I had considered Niall brave, I mean the little guy looked like a fluffy puppy not a lion. But in that moment, I realized that he was brave, not by his looks but by his actions." I say, speaking honestly to Niall in particular. He gives me a real smile as I see tears gather in his eyes.

"As soon as the words stuttered out of poor Niall's mouth, his father was up. But not at Niall. It was me he grabbed and held up against the wall by the throat. My heart was in my stomach at that time. I was so confused. If he was going to be mad, would it not be towards his son? What did I do that made him so angry?" My voice shakes, thinking back on how Bobby's hand felt on my throat. Hard and painful. "Niall tried so hard to get him off me, even Maura too but Bobby wouldn't budge. My feet were hanging and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I remember Maura shouting to him about how he was killing me and the colour of my face. I really thought I was going to die. Then he released me." I let out a breath of relief as I had done years ago.

"I lay, weak and strugggling to get my breath back as he shouted at me. He told me I made his son a fag, that I was the reason Niall was gay, that I should burn in hell with his son. I rememeber Niall's face when he said that. He looked like someone came and put a knife through his chest. I could only imagine that was how he felt at the time. It made me mad and I did probably the stupidest thing I ever did in my life." I say, looking down guilty.

"I stood up and hit Bobby square in the jaw." I say, forcing the words out at  the end. I watch Liam's eyes widen at me in shock. I was shocked too when I did it." I had never hit anyone. Never." I say, biting my lip. My hand goes up to the back of my ear, it is starting to burn. "W-what did he do?" Liam asks, his voice shaking. I look up at him, a tear running down my face. "Niall tried to help me. So did Maura, but it was no good. Bobby already had a tight grip on my arm and was dragging me towards the kitchen. There, he..." I stop in my tracks, the words I was going to say seem to glue to the back of my throat, refusing to come out. You need to do this Louis. He asked a simple question and you have to give him an answer. No matter how much it hurts.

"He pulled a knife on me." I manage to whisper. For a minute, I am sure Liam didn't hear me but when I look up, he is hugging into Niall. Niall soothes him down, rubbing his back slowly and whispering sweet little nothings into his ear.Well there sweet little nothings to me but they are obiviously important to the two boys in front of me because Liam wipes his eye and turns to me, nodding to carry on. So I do.

"I was sure he would kill me now. But for what real reason? I didn't turn Niall gay, it is a part of who Niall is, nobody can make someone gay, thats stupid. I wasn't even gay, I actually had a girlfriend at that time as well so I couldnt understand why I was to blame. There was nobody to blame. Niall is Niall, nothing changed about him. He just finally discovered his true self" I say and Niall smiles gratefully at me. I see Liam look at Niall and kiss him quicky and watch as he whispers an "i love you" into his ear. I smile at my two bestfriends. One I knew for years, the other I met a few months ago. Yet I feel equal love for both.

"What did he do then?" Liam asks, his eyes still full with curiousty and now fresh tears. He's crying over me and I really dont want to know what he is thinking. He is probably scared to his death now, thinking of all the possibilites that might happen when Niall tells them about their relationship. I know Niall and I know he loves Liam more than anything and he wouldnt let anyone hurt him, even if it meant getting hurt himself. The fire for example. He risked his entire life so he didnt have to lose his Liam. It's really sweet, actually. I look at Liam, who is still staring at me to tell him.

"At first, the knife was against my neck. But then he moved it close to my face, too close for comfort. Niall was under the kitchen table, hugging his knees and squezzing his eyes shut and screaming at Bobby to not hurt me. Maura was behind Bobby, trying to get him away from me. But he would not budge. He kept the knife on my cheek. I could feel the coldness of it agaisnt my skin and how it moved slightly each time Bobby shook with rage. I remember him putting it on my ear, threatning to cut it off. I was sure he was going too so I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. I remember hissing as it cut through me but not my ear. Beside it. Niall had quickly pounced on him and stopped him from chopping my ear off. It was a close call,  I thought I'd have to live the rest of my life with only one ear." I say, smiling at Niall. He smiles back and Liam stares at me, amazed.

I turn my head and brush back some of the long hair that sits behind my ear and show Liam the long scar. He just stares at it, frightened. I feel frightened too but I know Niall will never let all that happen again. Especially since its Liam. I watch the two boys hold each other tightly in fear of being separated. And unfortunely, that fear might just come true.

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