Chapter Thirty two

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I am back, with my sucks english. Enjoy readers

Shownu was sitting at the kitchen staring at changkyun who is sitting while playing with his phone. Changkyun felt a hot gaze looking straight at him but decided to ignore. He stand up from the couch and walk away to his room. That's when he hear Shownu hyung calling his name.

"Lim Changkyun"

Changkyun froze.

Why did suddenly shownu hyung calling my name? Did I do something wrong. I am still standing straight backfacing shownu hyung. Should I look back. Oh my god! What should i do!!

While changkyun was still standing there, shownu walk to him. He grabbed changkyun shoulder. Trying to make the boy facing him.

"Hey, I'm calling you. Don't you hear me?"

Changkyun flinched when shownu hyung grab his shoulder. The grab was not that hard. But it still make changkyun startled. He quickly face his hyung.

"Y-yes h-hyung? I-is there an-anything that i can help you with?"


That's what shownu thought.

Damn! What am I thinking ?

"Grab your jacket. We are going out. Hurry."

Changkyun blinked. Once. Twice.

"Hey, hurry up."

Changkyun come back to reality. Hurriedly run to his share bedroom with hyungwon and kihyun to grab his jacket. Then, he came back to the living room and see that shownu is already infront of the door. He quickly grab his shoes and stand beside of shownu.

"Let's go."

Changkyun nod. He want to ask his hyung where is he going to take him. But he don't want to take a risk by asking shownu. Changkyun afraid that this hyung will be angry at him. So changkyun stayed silent.

After a good 20 Minutes walk, they arrived at the park. Shownu walk to one of the nearest bench and take a sit.


Changkyun quickly take a sit beside shownu. Leaving a space between him and his hyung. He don't want to make his hyung uncomfortable. Both of them silenced.

Changkyun want to leave. The situation is to awkward and quiet. So, he decided to start the conversation.

"Shownu hyung, why are we here? I thought you are hungry."

Shownu tilted his head

"What do you mean? I am not hungry. What make you think that I am hungry? Do you think I always hungry?"

"N-no, it's just like- I thought you are hungry. That's why you are taking me out. Because Kihyun hyung is going to sleep, Hyungwon hyung is already sleeping like a log, Jooheon hyung and minhyuk hyung is going out together and wonho hyung is still at the gym. So, your last choice is me, right?"

Changkyun was babbling with himself. Shownu look the way changkyun talk. Shownu realized that changkyun is so smoll beside him. He feel that changkyun is so cute and need to be protected.

"Hey, stop babbling. I just want to talk."

"T-talk about what?"

Shownu sighed. He don't even know how to start an appropriate conversation with the maknae of the group. He took a deep breath and look straight into changkyun eyes.

"Listen. I- I am sorry. I am sorry that I never treat you a better. I never talked to you and keep ignoring you. I never ask how are you doing everyday. I don't even ask whether have you eating or not. I am sorry that I never took a good care of you. I know that as a leader I should take a good care of you. You are the youngest in our group. You still have a lot to learn, and I should be the one that guide and help you. It's just my ego is to high. I am sorry changkyun. It's okay if you don't want to forgive me. But, let me be your hyung.

Changkyun smiled. He slowly took shownu hand. Interwined their hands together.

"I forgive you."

"R-really? Y-you are not angry? If you are, you can hit me. Hit me. Don't hold back your anger."

"No. hyung. Just one thing. Can you promise me something?"

"Y-yes. I promise you anything. Just-just tell me."

"Promise me that you will be there through our group ups and down. That you will protect our group if there is any problems comethrough. Please."

"I promise. I promise you that I will protect our groups. I will try to be a better and good hyung for us. Thanks for forgiving me."

They hugged.

"I knew it." Changkyun say out loud.

"knew what?"

"I knew that your bodies is so warm. I like it."

Shownu smiled. How can you be so cuteee. I want to eat that cheeksss.

"Thank you. and you. stop wearing thin shirt. It's not good for your body. See! your finger is so cold. Let's go back home. Kihyun will be made if we are not home yet. Let's go."

Changkyun nod. But before shownu can walked, changkyun stop him

"Hyung~~, can we go and buy some ice cream. I kinda want it now."

Shownu laughed.

"Sure my little maknae, Let's stop at the convenience store near our dorm and buy ice cream okay."

"Alrighttt, Let's go~"

Shownu and changkyun walk together to the convenience store, buying some ice cream. Shownu buy a lot and variety of ice cream. In case, the other members want the ice cream too.

At the dorm

Kihyun was waiting patiently at the living room. While tapping his leg at the floor. Waiting for his hyung and little maknae to come home.

"Where the fu** are them? Its freaking past 1am in the morning already." Kihyun grunted.

Kihyun hear the sound of laughing from behind the door.

Kihyun hearts feel warm. He decided to get angry tomorrow. He walked away from the door before both of them entered.

"You finally did it hyung." Kihyun thought.

Kihyun is happy. Finally, another one of his group member forgive changkyun. That night also, changkyun sleep well. He feels tired after the walk, but he is happy. Changkyun hope that this happiness may stay longer for a really long time.

Thank you. That's all for today update. I will update the story again once i end my exam. I have my last paper on this friday. Wish me luck. Goodbye.

Sorryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें