Chapter Sixteen

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"Answer me LIM CHANGKYUN." jooheon ask the younger. Trying to control his anger. He grab the younger wrist waiting for the maknae answer

"I-i can't. I don't want. P-please let me go hyung. P-please." Changkyun finally lets his tear come down. Trembling. Afraid that jooheon will be angry at him. He don't want to make jooheon angry but at the same time he don't want jooheon to know about his past.

Jooheon watch changkyun. He watch the maknae trembling.

Jooheon sigh. He knew the maknae will not tell him. He gesture the maknae to sit on the toilet bowl.

Changkyun let jooheon clean his cut

"Let me clean your cut first. It's okay if you don't want to tell me where all this scar came from. But promise me, you will tell me once you are ready. I will wait for your answer." Jooheon tell the younger. He look up to see changkyun face. When their eyes meet. Changkyun hurriedly avoid jooheon eyes.

Jooheon feel guility.

"And.. i'm sorry. I am really sorry for all the bad things that i do to you since no mercy. I can't control my emotion. I am sorry." Jooheon said try to control his tears.

Changkyun watch jooheon. He can't feel the sincerity in jooheon apology. Changkyun stretch his hand pat jooheon shoulder.

"It's okay hyung. I-i forgive you. It is not your fault." Jooheon blink. Looking at the younger.

"I know i am not a good hyung. I will do my best to be a good hyung to you. Thank you maknae-ya."

Jooheon and changkyun smiled at each other.

"Hyung. Can you please don't tell the others hyung about my scar ?" Changkyun told jooheon. Waiting for the older to answer.

Jooheon smiled to changkyun before nodding his head.

"I will not tell the members. But promise me if anything happen. You will tell me first okay.?"

Changkyun nod.

That night changkyun sleep with jooheon in the living room. Jooheon smiled when he saw the younger snuggle to him.

"Goodnight and thank you maknae-yah." Jooheon whisper to changkyun before he drift to his sleep too.

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