Chapter Ten

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5.30 am

Changkyun awake. He can't sleep anymore. Changkyun get down from his bed and goes to toilet.

When he was doing his business, changkyun hear someone knock the door.

"Can you please hurry. I need to pee. Whoever you are please hurry." Jooheon said.

Changkyun hurriedly finish his business. When he open the door, jooheon hurriedly push changkyun out from the toilet and closed the door to pee.

Changkyun giggle cutely at jooheon action. Then he goes to his bed back and tidy up his bed.


Jooheon get out from toilet and goes to living room. He saw changkyun were tidy up his bed. Jooheon casually walk to living room. Sit at the couch and switch on the tv and looking for channel.

"You are going to sleep back ?" He just ask changkyun casually.

"Huh? Haaa .. no i am not going to sleep back hyu- i mean jooheon-sshi." Changkyun say stuttering. Changkyun remember jooheon don't like he call him hyung.

Jooheon was shocked. Wtf ? Jooheon-sshi ? Is he being to formal with me ? All this question playing in jooheon mind.

Jooheon sigh before continue "hyung."

"huh?" Changkyun confused .

"Just call me hyung you brat." Jooheon hit changkyun shoulder lightly.

Changkyun nod. Trying to understand the situation. "Nae hyung."

"Sit with me after you tidy up your bed. Watch the television with me." Jooheon said. Eyes still watching at television.

Changkyun nod again and walk to couch sitting with jooheon awkwardly.

After a few minutes

"Why are you so afraid ? It's not like i'm going to eat you. Just sit comfortably okay ?" Jooheon said a little bit annoying.

Changkyun tried to relax his body and sit comfortably.

"Are you always this quiet ?" Jooheon suddenly ask.

"Emm." Changkyun struggle with his word before continue "i just enjoy being quite". Changkyun said slowly.

Jooheon nod. And they enjoy watching television together before they drift to sleep together on the couch.

💎 7.30 am 💎

"Yah ! lim changkyun ireonna." Kihyun said

All the other trainees is now at the kitchen. Eating their breakfast. Hyungwon is still sleeping. Kihyun was going to wake up hyungwon after he wake up changkyun.

Changkyun wake up . He saw kihyun standing infront of him with hand on his waist. He stumble to stand and that make him fall and sit back at the couch. Kihyun raise his eyebrows.

"Ireona. If not we are going to left you." Kihyun said coldly.

Changkyun rub his eyes cutely and nod before stand up and goes to toilet.

After all the trainees eat their breakfast, they ride a van and goes to company.

Changkyun was in the van with jooheon, kihyun , wonho and minhyuk

"My ramen is missing." Wonho say suddenly

Changkyun shift. He know what wonho is talking about.

"So ?" Kihyun ask back

"Are you the one that eat my ramen?" Wonho ask glaring at kihyun.

Changkyun was going to say that he is the one that took wonho ramen but

"Yes i took it. Wae ? Cannot ?" Kihyun fire back

"What?!!!!! How dare you took my precious ramen without my permission. You are dead !!!" Wonho was literally trying to grab kihyun neck but he stop

"Okay kill me. But wait. Who is going to cook ramen for you. Haa i think after i die you are not going to eat ramen forever and ever HAHAHAHAHAHA." kihyun laugh victoriously

Wonho retreat his hand and pout his lips

"This time i let you go but next time." Wonho word stop.

"Next time what ?" Kihyun ask proudly.

"Urghhh ! Nothing." Wonho said feeling upset.


Changkyun look at wonho and kihyun bickering about the missing ramen. He feels guility towards kihyun and wonho.

He can feel that kihyun was looking at him. Changkyun smile at kihyun and mouthed "it's okay."

Later they arrive at the company and goes to practise.

So short. I am so tired right now. Going to sleep first. School is killing mee 😭😭😭

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