Chapter Three

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2 days has passed. Changkyun walk towards the office feeling determined. He has been thinking about the offer and changkyun has made his decision

Knock knock

Looking up from his bunch of paperwork, the CEO then gesture changkyun to sit at the sofa. The CEO get up from his leather chair and walk towards the sofa. Taking his place at the right of the sofa.

"So, have you decide?" the CEO ask curiously

Changkyun nod. He open his mouth to say his decision, but nothing came out. Changkyun is just to nervous.

"hey, relax. Take a deep breath and tell me your decision"

Changkyun take a deep breath and start talking

"I'll take your offer. Yes, I will join the survival. I think this is a really good offer for me to show my talent to everyone". Changkyun was kinda surprise when he didn't stutter.

The CEO does not think to much when Changkyun say that. He kinda expect that he will accept the offer.

"That's a good choice changkyun. So, i guess we are done then. You need to clearly understand that we treat all the No Mercy trainee the same. No favoritism among the trainee.One more thing, you must know that if you were eliminate during the survival you are going to leave Starship by yourself. Are you ready for any consequences that you will get?"

"Yes sir, I am ready for any possibility".

"Okay, we are done then. You can go home now and pack your belongings. You are going to stay with No Mercy member. Try to befriend with them. Go now. I will send K.will to pick up you later. And he will bring you to the other member".

"Alright sir. Thank you".

Changkyun get out from the office and walk straight to the nearest toilet.


I hope i make a right decision.


Changkyun walk home to pack some of his belongings. He didn't bring much thing. Only a few of clothes and some necessary item. Changkyun apartment is not that far from the company. So, he decided to go and take some fresh air at the park before going back to the company to meet K.will sunbaenim.

When Changkyun arrive at the park, he saw them. He frown. Why are they here. Changkyun doesn't want them to ruin his good mood. So, he decided to walk away from the park. But, it's too late. They saw Changkyun.

"Hey! Look what we got here guys!" said the taller boy.

Changkyun tense when he hear the taller voice. He want to run away from them, but his feet kinda freeze at the spot.

"Ouh! It's our favourite friends!!" said the one with blue hair.

Changkyun can feel the one with blue hair smirk to him. Trying to ignore them, changkyun practically try to run away from them. But it was to late. The blue hair boy grasp changkyun arm pulling him closer.

"Do you try to run away from us? Ouh, please don't changkyun. We are your friends remember. We miss you. I missed all the good time we spent together. Don't you miss us huh?" The man said mockingly.

The grip hurts so much. Changkyun was in the urge of crying. He is so scared. Changkyun try to control his panic attacks. When they see the boy didn't reply or responsed to any of their question, they start hit and kick the poor boy. Changkyun just stay still. He afraid if he try to struggle they will do something more worse.

After all the hit and kick changkyun receive, they leave him lying at the park full with bruised. The reason why they hate changkyun so much is because he is ugly. Yeah, the reason was stupid but that's the only word the bullied always says when they hit changkyun

10 minutes past. Changkyun try to stand on his own two feet although it's hurt so bad. He limp back towards his apartment to clean up all the wounds. Changkyun don't want anyone from the company see him in that kind of state. He don't need anyone sympathy.

After cleaning his wounds changkyun stand in front of the mirror looking at his body, full of bruised and scar. All the memory when he was bullied during high school, people calling him slut, he was not supposed to born in this world, he is ugly. All kind of bad words keep playing in his head.

Changkyun can't take it anymore.

Changkyun walk out from the bathroom and walk towards his bedroom. Searching through his drawer, changkyun take out his razor and cut his upper arm. Where no one can see it. The blood continuously flowing out from his upper arm.

Although he already promise himself that he will stop the self harm himself, he just couldn't stop.

This all because when he cut himself he feel satisfied. Changkyun then wraps his upper arm with bandage and wearing a really big and long sweater along with jacket and goes to meet K.will sunbaenim at the company.

Hello guys! How about this chapter ? Is my grammar getting worse or better ? Please let me know any mistake in the comment. I will fix it. I still learning how to write in English using the right words and grammar. Thank you for spending your busy time by reading my story. I love you



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