Three's A Crowd: Ch 22

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  I walk into the training room with Tex, York and Carolina following behind.

I look over at Tex, "Don't worry. Let me do this. Just trust me this once."

"No offense, you get hurt easily. And last time, you almost k-"

"I know. Please Tex", I pleaded.

  We both stopped walking as Texas looks at me, thinking until she sighs and nods slowly. She made her way over to a table where weapons are displayed for picking.

"Hurry up. You're almost up."

I smirked under my helmet and picked the weapons I needed the most. As I armed myself, I glance at Tex.

"Trust me, you won't regret this."

"You better kick some ass."

  York and Tex both left, leaving me and Carolina alone in the training room. Both of us were prepared to face each other, the itch of winning crawling in our skins. Behind me, Omega appears. Just as he was about to speak, I shake my head.

"No. I got this."

He growls, "next time. I'm eager to pick a fight."

  I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, remembering that I was prepped for an A.I. when I first got to the MOI. The Director really wanted me to be one of the best, just beside Carolina. Maybe even better.
  The weapons rack slowly retracts as the round was going to begin in a couple of seconds. I turn my neck to the side, popping it. I stride to the center of the room, Carolina doing the same thing.

"You're going down", I hissed at her.

"You can try."

"Round begins in 3, 2, 1. Begin. Good luck, ladies."

"Thanks. I won't need it" both me and Carolina mumbled.

  As I began to charge towards my opponent until she suddenly slides onto the ground. The sound of her agony rung through my ears, making me look down at her on the ground. At first, I thought she was faking it, making me look like a monster but I noticed she started to remove her helmet, still in pain.
  I look up to see the agents in panic, probably calling for help as I stood there in shock. I didn't know what was going on at all.

'She wasn't ready. The A.I.s aren't compatible with her. These are Wash's and South's.'

"Make them stop! Make them stop the voices! Make the voices stop!" She screams.

"What the hell is going on? Can someone come down here?!"

Omega comes back, whispering, "do it. She's weak! Do it now!"

  It felt like I was possessed. Like an animal instinct took over me. I slowly crouched down beside Carolina, watching her face contort in many ways from her pain. I slowly reach for her neck until I snapped out of my trance.
  I look at her, seeing her tears. It hurt me a lot. It reminded of me when I cried in front of my sister. I  barely remember her. I growled, shaking my head.

"I'm...sorry!" I choked.

  My hand changed into a fist, hitting Carolina on her face to knock her unconscious. I fell back on my ass, crawling back away from her in fear that I hurt her really bad. Luckily she wasn't bleeding. I look up to see Tex and Wash jogging up to me. Wash tries to reach for me and help me stand but I stood up immediately.
  I was confused. Why did I want to hurt her? And why did I let Omega take over mt conscious? I teared up again, removing me helmet and throwing it at Wash. I ran out the training room, Wash calling out for me but Tex stopped him.

"Leave her to herself. Trust me."

  I ended up bumping into Maine, his towering body nearly knocking me down but I only stumbled. He looks down at me but I couldn't even assume what expression he has. I shake my head, walking past him in anger.

"I could have killed her....I almost killed her. What the hell is going on with me? This isn't me. I'm not...why do I care?"

  I made my way to the recovery room after I heard that Carolina is still unconscious. I didn't know if it is my fault or the A.I.s. As I looked down, my head bumps into hard armor.

"O-ow!" I whinned and rubbed the top of my head.

  I look up to see North, watching Carolina and York from the outside. He didn't even glance at me. I guess he knew it was me. We've both been avoiding each other so of course it would be awkward.

"H-hey. I'm trying to say sorry but-"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. I just want to know if you're okay."

  He might have been wearing his helmet but I knew he is smiling. He's a very caring guy so I knew he wouldn't be mad at me for long.  I smiled at him and stood beside him, watching Carolina and York sleep. They looked cute together. Peaceful.

"How's she doing?" Asked a voice behind us.

  Turning around, we noticed it was Tex.

"No idea. Doc's thought she would have woken up by now but...she's still under", North responded.

"How long has he been there?" I asked next.

"He hasn't left her side yet. He probably won't."

"But it's been days."

"He's dedicated."

  Tex slowly walked around the room.

"You know, your sister petitioned to get one of Carolina's A.I.'s" Tex says.

I look at her suprised "what?!"

"She didn't" North says. "I'll talk to her. That's inappropriate."

"Inappropriate, North?" I scoff and shake my head. "More like downright insane. Why would she want one?"

  North only shrugged.

"So is vulture. Piece of advice, one solider to another: you watch her."

"Something's different with you. Well...both of you" North comments.

  I shrugged and look back at Carolina, thinking to myself. I remember her eyes, her pretty green eyes that struck me like a stab to the stomach.

'I only know one person with those eyes. Could it be-'

"Wash is up for surgery next."

  My eyes widened and I look at Tex.

"No. Wait really?"

  Tex nods.


  I ran out the room, heading towards the surgery room.

"I have to stop him!"

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