Meeting the Fragments: Chapter 13

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  I opened my eyes slowly with a soft groan. My head was hurting a little and my chest. It hurt to breathe a bit I was able to take in enough air. I spotted three bodies sleeping around me. Wash had his head laying on my stomach. It was the first time I've seen him without his armor. I turn my head to the left and see York leaning back on a chair with his arms crossed as he slept. At the foot of my bed, I saw North laying his head over his arms on the bed.
  I smile to myself knowing that they actually cared for my safely and health. I just noticed that I didn't have my armor on. My chest, all the way down a bit below my breasts were wrapped in bandages and my hips, up above my belly button was wrapped in bandages.
  I placed a my hand on the back of Wash's head and played with his spikey blonde hair, similar to North's in a way. This caused Wash to wake up. He looked up at me and smiled, still sleepy. His eyes stood out a lot from his pale complexion and chisled face. He had bright blue orbs but the bottom of his eyes had dark circles. He hasn't slept well in days I guess.
  I sat up a little but winced in pain. Wash quickly sat up with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just sore." He nodded and held my hand, "I was worried you'd never wake up, Cal." I noticed him blush deeply as he looked into my eyes but his gaze quickly averted below me and back up to my eyes. I frowned and check my body again noticing that the bandages were coming off a bit. The only thing I had on were pajama pants of some sort from the medical bay.
"Why are you looking at her chest, Wash?", York said with a smirk. Wash blushed more, looking away as York chuckled. I see North sit up yawning, "hey Cal. You're finally awake." He smiled and smiled back, looking at the three males around me. "So, how long was I out?" "Eh, like three weeks?", York responded. My eyes widened, "wait? What!?" I groan and hold my head in my hands from yelling.
  North nods, "yeah three weeks. Your suit failed on your re-breather-" he got cut off by a green A.I. "there was a high possibility that you could have died, Agent California. You were lucky to have Agent Washington save your life, and to face his fear." "More like Carolina saved them. She used her grapple hook to bring you both to the ship. Oh, the grapple hook also got stuck to Wash's balls", York stated. North snickered along with me and York. Wash blushed and looked away embarrassed.
  "So, who's the green dude?", I said pointing at the green A.I. and looking at both York and North. "Oh right, you didn't get to meet him. This is Delta", Yoke said. "Hello Agent California. I am A.I. fragment Delta. It is nice to meet another agent." I smiled and nodded, "it's nice to meet you too. So, when can I leave?" "Well the doc said you can leave as soon as you wake up but you aren't allowed to do anything that can push your body too much", North said.
  I stand up, nodding and smiling at everyone. "Well, I'm going to my room before Washington gets...touchy." York and North burst out laughing and Wash laughs a embarrassed. I smiled at him and walked away, out of the medical bay.

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