Son of A Bitch & The Sarcophagus: Chapter 10

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   As my team's pelican lands, we quickly get out and enter the building. Wash an Maine look around, I speak with York, "we're in. Get up here. How long to crack that lock?"
"Should take about 60 seconds. Give me 15. Wow, it's holographic. That's high-end." I roll my eyes, "can you get through it?"
"'Course I can. You didn't bring me along for my good looks, did you?" I snort, "alright, caught me red handed" I joked.
   As I stand there looking around, an alarm sounds. I look at York, he looks back at me and he continues to pick the lock embarrassed. "Whoever designed this is an asshole. There." York successfully picks the lock, opening the doors to the vault. "Thanks York but do something 'bout that alarm. We can't have any surprises"
"Does saying sorry count as something?" I glare at York. "Hmm. Guess not."
   I shake my head, "we'll secure the package. Set some trackers, then find us a way out of this" I say as Wash, Maine and I enter the vault. "Moving", York says as he leaves.
   "Alright everyone, spread out. What we need is here somewhere. It's probably something small, easy to miss. Take as many scans a as possible, there may be other things we can use", I say. Walking around the vault, I see some weapons and Maine with some weird knife gun thing. He looks at me and I notice him almost pose with the weapon. I roll my eyes, "in your dreams, pal."
   As I walk around, York speaks through the radio, "Cal, motion trackers indicate you got an enemy team outside the door" "well, let's hope they're not as good at picking locks as you are, York." I look at Wash and Maine, "alright boys, we're about to have company." Wash walks up to me, "boss, I've got good news and bad news."
"hit me"
"we found the markings we're looking for. The bad news is....they're on that." He nods his head towards a big container.
   I sigh, "great. That?" I shake my head as York speaks. "Team A, I got us an exit up here. Straight up the stairwell, door to the roof, helipad."
"Copy, I'll radio air support." I look at container, "so, how are we going to get that thing up there?" Maine shurgs and grunts. I bit my lip thinking and radio York. "York, I saw a window-washer unit on our way into the facility, can you find where it attaches to the building?" "I don't know, that's a tough one, 'lemme see what I can do", he responds sarcastically. I shake my head and chuckle.
  "What are you up to?", Wash asked. "Improvising. Come here Maine." I walk towards the window. "Improvising? I hate it when we do that..."Wash said. I push the Sarcophagus on a lift as Wash warned us, aiming at the door. I look at Maine, "this should work out fine. You're the only one heavy enough to counter-balance this thing."
"Too high", he says and I roll my eyes. "Don't be a baby." I kick Maine out the window and shoot the wire holding the platform.
"Package is here", York said. I start to hear shooting and screaming on the bottom floor. "Well...that should keep them busy."
"I almost feel bad for the people down there" Wash said. I shrug, "oh well." I walk towards the center of the room with Wash and point my sniper at the door. As soon as they bust open the door, me and wash open fire and kill the soldiers.
  I saw a large soldier, with armor and a flamethrower walking in dramatically. Wash looks at me, "what the fuck is with this guy?" The guy fires his flamethrower and I dive to the side for cover. I pull out my magnums and shoot at him with Wash but his armor was unaffected by the gunfire. I watch Wash throw a grenade but the soldier fires at it causing it to explode in mid air.
  I curse under my breath and look around as Wash grabs a fuel rod cannon firing it at the soldier. The shot bounces off the floor and misses the soldier. "What the hell?! It bounces?! Who designs a gun that bounces?! This is the worst gun ever...of all-" I cut Wash off by pushing him out of the way. We land behind cover, him looking up at me. I was on top of him since I practically pinned him to the ground. I blushed but shake my head, "idiot."
  I get off him and run across the top, hop over a table, run up the side of the wall, and back flip, landing over a purple plane. I fire at the soldier and he fires back, burning the cables that were holding up the ship. I growl and and toss a grenade into the cock pit. I jump off the plane as it explodes, knocking the soldier over. As he gets up, I throw a gravity hammer at him, knocking him down. I stand up straight as Wash walks over to me. "That guy was a dick", he says. I roll my eyes, "come on. Let's get moving." I start to walk out as Wash stated, "that bit with the purple plane, that was just showing off."
  We arrive at the roof and meet up with York. We all continue to run as I radio 479er. "Come on, it's", York started but stopped along with me and Wash when we see Carolina and Tex facing each other in an angry glare and tension. I walk between them and put my hands on their armor, pushing them away slightly from each other. I look at both of them, "ladies, stand down! Carolina!" I glare at her, "you should be helping your assigned team!" I look at Tex, "is the thing set?" She nodded.
  "Hate to bust up the reunion here, but we've got a problem!", York yelled over at us. The Insurrectionists bust open the door, Hornets and soldiers with jetpacks surround us. I recognized one soldier from my first mission. The Demo man or so what I like to call him, The asshole speaker.
"No one get behind me! Drop your weapons!", he yelled. Everyone drops their weapons but I keep my pistols on my hands as the asshole speaker tells York to disarm the bomb even though both me and York know it's a transmitter.
  "What's it transmitting?", the asshole speaker says. "Our location", I spoke up before York could respond. "Why would it do that?", he asked as I backed up slowly, little by little besides Tex. "What the hell? There were five of them here! What the fuck is going on!?"
Carolina deactivates her camouflage as she beats the crap out of some. I begin to fire the ones across from us.
  I start to hear some beeping and my eyes widened. I looked at Tex, "hey we need to go get that fucking case!" She nods as the building gets hit by the MAC of the MOI. The blast creates a large hole onto the building's roof. I tell Tex to get the container to the pelican as Wash, York, and Carolina run off towards the edge of the building. I follow after them.
  "This must be karma for kicking Maine out the widow!", I yell. "I don't wanna DO THIIIIIIISSS!!", York screams. "SON OF A BIIIIIIIITCH!!", Wash screamed as we all jumped off the building.
We all freefall down the building in a diving position, avoiding incoming debris and falling soldiers. I reach for the Sarcophagus and ride over it, keeping my balance.

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