Fighting Fire: Chapter 18

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  I watch Maine lunge forward to attack the two Insurrection Soldiers but the Demo Man on the warthog drives straight into Maine. Just as he was about hit him, Maine stops the warthog, holding the front of it as he slowly lifts it up, kicking it towards the Insurrection Soldiers. I lean my back against the crate and look at Wash. "Whoa", I say amazed as Wash chuckled. York then showed up and laughed as I looked at him. "And you say I'm deadly? Maine might be even stronger than I am."
  Sigma then suddenly appeared besides me. "Hello gentleman. Miss California." I nod at him and smiled under my helmet, "hello Sigma. Are you sure he's ready to fight? I'm a little worried."
"As compared to whom, Agent California? You were also injured and entered a concussion. Twice."
  I was about to respond to Sigma but Delta appeared in front of Sigma. I looked down but get the attention of both A.I.s. "Agent California?" Delta spoke up first. I shook my head and looked at him. "Sorry. Gotta go" I said, running away from them and towards Carolina. Carolina was holding her plasma pistols at gunpoint towards Girlie. "What a pleasure to see you again." Carolina said.
  I turn around and see the Demo Man running towards as. As he was about to punch me, I caught his robotic arm and kick his chest to push him away from me. I then to see Carolina with one of her plasma pistols badly damaged. A machete was thrown at me it hits Carolina's last good plasma rifle. "Pleasure's all mine, bitch." Girlie responded towards Carolina.
  Girlie twirls two more machetes and and started to charge at Carolina. The Demo Man tried to thrown a punch but I backed away.  Carolina and I switch opponents, me fighting Girlie. I dodged her swinging machetes but once she was more open, I punched her on the face, making her stumble back. She shook her head after she realized what happened but this only pissed her off. "You BITCH!" She growled. She charges at me but only to get kicked down by Carolina.
  I switch over and start to fight the Demo Man punching him and dodging his attacks. I noticed Maine appear behind the Demo Man but I kick him towards Maine.  Maine charged at the Demon Man but is sent flying by Carolina. I growled and kick the Demo Man, sending him towards Girlie.
  They both stand up as Maine grabs his Brute Shot and fires at the Demo Man but the Demo Man catches the shot and throws it back towards me and Maine. It explodes, causing me to stumble towards Maine. He caught me, holding me by the waist tightly before I could have fallen. I blushed under my helmet since he didn't let me go. Instead, he throws his brute shit at the Demon man but it severed his robotic arm from the bladed edge of the Brute Shot.
  Maine looks down at me but I look away so he wouldn't notice me staring. I pushes myself away from him and Charge at the Demo Man, stepping up onto his chest plate, making me back flip and kick him under his helmet. I land on my feet with a crouch and Maine ran past me with his Brute Shot ready. He fired several rounds at the Demo Man, knocking him back into the ocean.
  I look over at Carolina to see her fighting Girlie still, making me sigh. Carolina to me was always cocky about her fighting skills but she can't even take down Girlie. Carolina kicked Girlie's helmet off and knocked her over the platform we were standing on. I look over the platform to see Girlie hanging onto the edge. She looks up at me with an angry expression. I just smirked, "it was nice to meet you and all but you overstayed your welcome."
  I kicked her hand off the edge and watched her scream at her fall until she hits the edge of the dock and falls into the water. I turn around, only to come face to face with Maine, making me nearly jump but he only patted my shoulder. Though I was looking around for Carolina. "Did you see where she went?"
Sigma appears in front of me and says, "she left with York and Wash to find Agent Connecticut."
"Shit." I mumbled and run to find Carolina before she reaches C.T.
  As soon as I find her, Wash, Wyoming and York are behind for some cover from two soldier with Gatling guns. Wash called me over but I was looking directly at the soldiers who did notice me but didn't fire at me. I glanced at Carolina and she knew what I was about to do. I started to run towards the Bunker, hearing Carolina yell at me. "C.T., I hope you know what you're doing." I mumbled.

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