What's the "I" Stand For: Chapter 15

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  "And as the Director accurately predicted in his thesis on the subject, we see that cognite impression modeling can be seperated from the host. Naturally, this remains an inherently deconstructive process. But most of all, the biggest concern of any full A.I. entity is the prospect of rampancy, which we covered last week."
  "Of course our A.I. untis are what we call fragments so there's very little chance that a personality subroutine can run off unchecked."
"Are there any questions?"
  Blocking out both the Director and tge Counselor, I sighed in boredom. I've already heard of this. I study on my own time. South ranted about this class which made me almost agree with her but Carolina explained to her why.
  "Oh yeah. That's the only reason you did it. You're a real hero, Carolina. It's not like Maine has much to say anyway", South said. I stood up, slamming my hands down on the table. "South! Shut your trap! Who in the world would want to hear your constant bitching of your jealousy over things?! Maine would love to speak and-"
Maine growls. "I would like to day thank you Agent California for defending Agent Main and how appreciative we are the Agent Carolina for her Sacrifice.", Sigma said as I sat down, calming down a little. Maine patted my shoulder as a gesture to thank me but I nodded and smiled at him.
  Sigma continued, "if anyone can excel with an A.I. unit, it is you." "Thank you Sigma", Carolina said with an appreciated tone. "And of course both Agents Texas and California. That goes without saying.", Sigma added. I smiled st him and nodded. "Thank you."
  "I notice Texas doesn't have to attend this class.", South said. "Agent Texas doesn't need this training." "What the director is trying to say is that Agent Texas has already completed her A.I. Theory Course work. I think that's enough for today."
  The Counselor and the Director were about the dismiss the class but Sigma started to speak, making half of everyone in the room groan or say something under their breath.
I look over at Maine and he shrugged as Sigma mentioned the Meta-Stabillity.
The Director dismissed the class again as Sigma finished speaking. I  stayed behind as everyone else left, watching Sigma and Delta speak. When Delta left, the board cycles through several symbols of Greek letters. It stopped on a certain symbol and I looked at Sigma with a raised brow. "What's that?", I asked. "The Meta", Sigma responded as he stared at the board.
  I nodded at his response until he looked at me, "Tell me Agent California. How did you speak with him?" I frowned and crossed my arms at him. "Who? The Alpha? I'm nor sure. One day I was walking and he suddenly appeared. He wanted to know more about me because apparently my file has very little information on me. I haven't heard of him since when Delta came out." I shrugged as he nodded and I left the room, leaving him by himself.

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