Chapter 33: Confession

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(Midoriya POV)

"I like you," I force myself to say these words even though I'm embarrassed, "I like you a lot."

There's a lot I want to say but the words won't come out. I can't keep holding in my feelings for you anymore. Even you know... all the looks you're getting in highschool; Bakugou, Todoroki, even Uraraka maybe... I can't let myself fall behind so I'll be the first one to confess. She probably noticed already; there's no way she's oblivious to everyone's feelings.

I really really like her...

I may be putting her in an awkward and selfish position, but I want to express it all and I can't hold it in anymore.

When I was getting beat down about not having the potential of a hero, you would be there for me and comfort me simply by being next to me.

I may not know what is pushing you so hard in your life, but I know that you're extremely determined and that is admirable about you.

I like you so much that I can even call it love.

I just want to hold you in my arms and spend time with you.

I want to be someone you can confide to.

I want to be as close as Bakugou is to you... I've always been so jealous of him; he's always been next to you and I know you two have had vulnerable moments with one another. I don't know if I'll have a connection as close as you two but I want to be someone you can turn to.

I see her eyes completely focused on my own as I spill my feelings out to her. That's one thing I love about her; she's so attentive to whatever anything anyone has to say.

"There are so many things I like about you... it's hard to list it all out," I scratch the side of my cheek, feeling my blush creep onto my face, "I'm just in love with the person you are and that's all I can really say. I always want to see you; I always want to see that smile on your face. You're so strong and smart and so kind."

"I really really like you," After I finish spilling out my feelings to her, I wait for a response as she stays silent and processes everything I've said most likely.


(Y/n POV)

As Midoriya finishes and gives a long pause, signalling that it should be my turn to respond. I take a deep breath and think carefully how to word my own feelings.

"I'm flattered... I really am Midoriya," I place my hand onto my chest and speak softly, "But, if you're asking me to respond to those feelings right now then I don't think I can. I'm still figuring myself out as a person and I don't know what love is to me. I'm sorry if you were expecting a response immediately."

Midoriya waves his hands around and then takes my right hand into both of his, "No, no! I'm really happy you even listened to me! Take all the time you need."

I smile softly at him; happy at his patience and caring attitude towards me. Midoriya has always been so kind to me even when others weren't. I appreciate his company, but I can't say if that is love romantically or love as a friend.

I then lower my head slightly in sadness, "You'll wait even if there's a chance I'll say no? Even if it takes months to reply?"

"(Y/n)", Midoriya cuts me off and I look straight into his eyes and he smiles happily with a blush, "I'm just happy I told you. I just want you to know that I have feelings for you and I'll respect however you respond to them."

I say the one thing that I want to end off with, "Thank you Midoriya. I'm really happy that you shared your feelings with me."

His face explodes into a bright red colour and shouts in an embarrassed tone, "W...Well! I'm going to head to bed now! I hope you rest well!"

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