Chapter 32: Kiss

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(Y/n POV)

As we warmly hold one another's hand, I gaze over to the left side of me to stare in awe at the view that was being painted in front of me. Though the view of the sunset is common to me, how the light is reflecting off of every surface makes it even more special.

"It's so beautiful today..." I whisper, pausing to look at the view for a bit longer.

I watch as the orange colour gets reflected off of the smooth water as it gently waves in and out of the beach. My ears perk up as I can hear the small, but distinct, sound of birds chirping in the air as the waves coming in peacefully. Most of the tourists and visitors have headed back since it was getting towards night time. The serene atmosphere and view makes my breathing slow down as I take in the view in front of my eyes.

I turn around to look at Bakugou as he stares straight at me and says in a deep tone, "It sure is..."

His intense stare pierces into my soul as I look shyly into his eyes.

"We'll be going up this mountain and watching the sunset together until dinner time," Bakugou places his hand out towards me, "I know you like nice views."

I smile enthusiastically, "Let's do this then."


Climbing the Mountain...

As we go up the mountains slowly, the amount of trees around us increase in size and number which shades us. The trail is clear but long, though I am enjoying it as Bakugou holds my hand and we walk together slowly. The large crowd of trees clears up as we reach the top and I squint my eyes at the sudden intake of light in my eyes. After brushing my hair backwards, I peer my eyes open gently and I gasp from the sight in front of me.

"Even better from up here isn't it?" Bakugou guides me towards the edge of the area with a fence to prevent us from falling, "I found it while researching this area beforehand."

"Wow," I let out a hushed sound of amazement as I take in the scenery.

Bakugou reaches into his pocket, bringing out a box of chocolates to share with me. We begin to talk gently with one another, discussing how far we have come and the training camp that is coming up soon. The moment itself was too beautiful and peaceful.

It was too beautiful to describe with words; all I felt at that moment was serenity and love all in one go. A sweet feeling in my heart and stomach make me want to cry even though there's nothing remotely sad about what is happening right now.

All I know is that everything I am feeling right now is real. Bakugou then grips onto my hand a bit tighter, pulling me towards the bench next to us.

As we sit together on the bench with my head leaning against his shoulder, Bakugou shifts slightly and I raise my head. We both turn around to face on another silence. His eyes soften up and his expression relaxes into one full of love, making my eyes gleam just slightly. The warm sunset kissing my face warms me up as a gentle red hue arises from my cheeks as Bakugou places a hand onto my neck.

He whispers my name in such a loving tone that my skin tingles from just the uttering of that word, "(Y/n)..."

"Katsuki..." I immediately reply with as our feelings build up as we continue to look into the eyes of each other without any other exchanged words apart from our names.

He gently caresses the side my neck and pulls me in just a bit and I show no resistance. He closes his eyes while I also close my own as our faces approach one another. A heartwarming expression is felt on my face...

A kiss...

His scent fills my nose and a light taste of chocolate touches my lips...

His lips against my own feel unexpectedly soft as he gently kisses me. Our lips connecting with another brings butterflies to my stomach as I feel all kinds of emotions right now.

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