Chapter 30: Best Jeanist vs Tsukishima (Y/n)

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(Y/n POV)

Everyone stares in shock as they look at Best Jeanist and I, knowing that I worked under him and have absolute admiration for this hero. My fists tighten up as I stare into his eyes, understanding that this was recommended by Best Jeanist himself.

"(Y/n) is going to fight the 4th top hero by herself? That seems impossible..." Midoriya mumbles out behind me, "Even I'm with someone against All Might."

Best Jeanist laughs, waving his arm, "I trust that my student, (Y/n), will be able to defeat me. However, I will be fighting slightly serious this time. Be prepared (Y/n)."

My lips purse together as I nervously try to think of a plausible plan to fight against him. We all begin to head towards the monitoring room to both prepare for the fights and prepare for the upcoming exam. I sit down onto the sofa placed inside and let out a large sigh.

As numerous plans run through my head as I try to find the exact one which would allow me to win, I mumble to myself, "I have to counter my own clothes and his jeans as well at the same time... Using my quirk on two materials continuously... Can I do this?"

"(Y/n)?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I feel Uraraka pat my shoulder gently, "Are you alright? You look slightly pale. Should we get Recovery Girl to heal you?"

I grin happily at Uraraka; happy that she cares about my well-being so much, "Thank you for asking, but I am fine! I'm just worried about this fight. I have to fight by myself, against Best Jeanist nonetheless..."

"(Y/n)... I know you can do it! Your quirk is strong and you're extremely smart!" Uraraka pumps her fists in determination, "I know you can do it!"

I chuckle and lean my head on Uraraka's shoulder, trying to calm myself down.

"Even though I am able to control anything I understand, Best Jeanist's quirk, Fiber Master, is extremely strong," I place my intertwined hands onto my forehead, leaning my head down slightly, "the difference between Best Jeanist and I is extremely large; I don't know if I can counter his quirk control with my own..."

"(Y/n)..." Uraraka pats my head lightly and I smile.

"Though knowing that you're supporting me right now gives me confidence!" As I say that to her, Uraraka's face suddenly breaks into a deep scarlet flush and she stands up quickly.

"It's almost my turn! Wish me luck!" Uraraka yelps out and runs out of the room, making me tilt my head just slightly.


(3rd POV)

During Uraraka and Aoyama's Exam...

As the two cling onto their lives as Thirteen inches closer towards them.

Uraraka thinks to herself, 'We were so close! At times like this, what would (Y/n) do?"

Aoyama slyly looks at her, asking, "You just thought, 'What would (Y/n) do?', right? Do you like her?"

Uraraka pauses then blushes profusely, thinking at (Y/n)'s smile after she comforted her. Though due to this, Uraraka and Aoyama are able to pass their exam.


Best Jeanist vs Tsukishima (Y/n)

(Y/n POV)

I watch as Uraraka restrains Thirteen, obtaining a win for their team. I let out a large sigh from my mouth and push myself up from the couch. Slapping my face, I wave goodbye to everyone that has returned to the room and walk towards the area where I will fight.

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