Chapter 21

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Zophisa P.O.V

1 week later

"The perimeter is finally finished around the house. So we will only need about ten gaurds. Four at the front gate and the rest spread out around the house," Luka explained as he showed me the blueprint that was sitting on the desk between us.

"I want professional gurads," I said.

"Whatever you desire," He said with a nod. I raised an eyebrow at his words as he read at the contract in his hands.

"Switch seats with me," I demanded. He just looked up at me. "I'm sorry, I don't remeber stuttering." He let out a sigh before getting up out of his chair and walking around the desk. I took his seat and looked at the monotor. I quickly pulled up the cameras and cut off the one in the office.

"We need to talk about our little problem," I said, folding my hands on the desk.

"What do you propose we do?" He asked.

"He's your ally," I pointed out, "You haven't heard anything from him?"

"Nothing concerning," He said, sitting the papers on the desk. I just let out a deep sigh.

"There's no way he's just not doing anything. He's the second most annoying man I've ever met," I said rolling my eyes.

"Second?" He asked.

"My dad," I answered, "Don't worry though, you're a close third." Before he could respond my phone started to ding uncontrollably. I quickly picked it up and looked looked at the messages. It was multiple pictures of my dad and a man, it looked like he was paying him. I looked at another picture that had a more clear shot of the man. He was bald, with many tattoos on every visible part of his body, he was clearly latino.

"Give me a minuite," I said to Luka. He just sighed before walking out of the office and closing the door. I pulled up the cameras and saw him standing in the hallway, ear against the door. "Away from the door!" I yelled. He walked down the hallway into the living room and clicked on the TV. I quickly called Adrian.

"I am not happy with what I just saw," I said once he picked up.

"You know that other dude?" Adrian asked.

"That's the dude who came up to Bunch at the bar and told him our marriage was fake," I informed.

"I kind of figured he was sketch so I had a couple boys follow him. They about to run down on him right now," He said.

"How long you think you need?" I asked, my eyes locked on the monotor.

"Give me fifteen minuites," He answered before hanging up. Adrian could get information from anybody, I've never seen anything like it.

I sent the picture of the man to Papa and quickly facetimed him.

"Babygirl!" He greeted, "Guess where we are."

"Where are you?" I asked with a smile, quickly forgetting the reason I called.

"Italy mi amor," Nana said with a grin.

"That's great Nana cause I need my hair done," I said with a pout. That woman must have been black in her past like because no one could braid hair like her.

"Anything for my baby," She said with a soft smile.

"How about you meet us at our house? We're renting it for the week while I do business," Papa informed.

"Aw man," I said, remebering the problem at hand, "I'm kind of in the middle of handiling business right now. I actually called because I need your help."

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