The boy grinned approvingly. “You’re smart”

“No, I just think things through” John corrected.

“Very well. I’ll set up something to get her on that side and once she’s there, I want the money.” The Nerd said. Out of the corner of my eye, I

could see both boys nodding their heads.

“Wait” Clayton said “I want to make sure she gets on the Girl’s Side safely”

The Nerd narrowed his eyes “Why?”

“Because I don’t trust you”

“Fair enough. You can go with her. But you’re going to have to dress up as a Drag Queen”

I almost snorted with laughter. I didn’t think the name ‘Drag Queen’ was even used much in my time. I was surprised it had managed to make it

through nearly 500 years.

I felt a tug on neck from John. I turned around to look at him, not sure what he wanted. He tugged again, giving me a look of annoyance.

I guess we were leaving.

I stumbled, trying to get up.

I could hear the boy laughing at my failed attempt. I gave it another try, earning an eye roll from John and a chuckle from Clayton. I guess this was

amusing for them.

After another try, John bent down, grabbing my waist and hoisting me over his shoulder. I gave a slight scream through my gag, not prepared for


I watched from upside-down as we walked out of the building and back into the Craft. That was much shorter than I had expected it to be, and

judging by Clayton’s response, he thought the same thing. John didn’t appear phased by any of this, but you never knew with him. He could

secretly be just as surprised as Clayton and I were, or truly didn’t give a damn.

John dropped me on the ground of the Craft painfully. I groaned, hitting my head on the ground too hard. Clayton bent down, taking off my gag.

I spat out the object in my mouth, trying to clean my mouth of its taste.

Clayton grabbed the rope and began to untie it from my wrists and ankles, while talking to John.

“Where to now?” Clayton asked

“Now we head to the Lightplane”

“What’s that?” I dared to ask, confused by the phrase.

Clayton thought for a moment on how to explain it “In your time, didn’t you have airplanes?”

I nodded hesitantly, waiting for him to continue

“Well a lightplane is just like that in a way. Except its much, much quicker. It travels at the speed of light basically. Its extremely dangerous though,

so we’re going to have to be careful on it”

“Why are we taking it if its dangerous?”

“Because the Nerd owns his own lightplane and it’s the quickest way to get you to the Girl’s Side without causing a commotion”

“Oh” I whispered.

Clayton nodded, pulling the rope away from me. Suddenly, the Craft gave a painful jolt. I felt myself fall on top of Clayton, who had fallen to the

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