Chapter 34

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The recovery was reasonably swift and I regained nearly all my strength within a short period. Although, I still moved gingerly, uneasy about my freshly mended body. The memories of the immobilizing pain was not far from my mind.

During my stay at the hospital, Hunter had spent the first hard days of healing beside me. He deliberately oversaw the transfer of Dinah and the three other girls to the public hospital further into the city.  It soothed my nerves and I felt instantly more relaxed after they left.

I mostly only slept those days. Only waking up to eat, use the restroom, and to shower. Every time I woke up Hunter was seated in the chair next to my bed. The knowledge he was standing guard put me to ease and made sleep come a lot easier.

After that Dimitri authorized my release and told me I could leave and finish recuperating back at Hunter's cabin.

I was no longer required to attend training. In fact, Hunter specifically instructed me to withdraw temporarily from classes.

The break was good. I felt drained and needed time to recharge and recuperate alone. Something was happening, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was different after the hospital. Like I didn't heal back together like I should have.

But I tried not to think about it.

The last few days spent at the cabin we're mundane. Hunter wasn't spending much time there and I was beginning to bore of days alone.

I decided to actually get dressed and be presentable to guests this morning.

Oddly, in the mirror I saw a change. My body had become softer, curvier, filling out in places my athletic lifestyle never heavily permitted. I decided this was due to my lack of training. But my hair also appeared shinier and my lips darker, more full.

Maybe the little vacation was exactly what I needed. I felt very alive and well rested, perhaps even restless as energy was pouring out my every pore.

Legs twitching to socialize, I got dressed, my clothes fitting tighter then normal, and nearly ran to the door and yanked it open.

"You guys are welcome to come in! I can make coffee!" I announced to my guards who patrolled the cabin. Today I saw Jayden and Alex in the trees around 30 yards away.

"We are under orders by Alpha Hunter not to enter without given permission." Alex yelled back, his voice echoing in the brisk morning air. It was a lovely day I remember thinking, the sun was out making the snow sparkle and tinting the sky a pale yellow.

I rolled my eyes at Alex's response. "Consider permission given! Now come on, it's cold and I'm letting all the heat out!" My patience growing thin, for some reason it felt like I was on a deadline.

"I don't think that's what Alpha Hunter meant!" Alex shouted back. Again grating my nerves.

"Come on! Please!" I begged, needing to have someone to talk to. "I'm always alone!" I threw in hoping it'd make them pity me.

Jayden and Alex looked at each other hesitantly, neither one hundred percent sure what the right call to make was. But eventually they conceded to my whining and began to make their way through the snow towards me.

Not even making it within 15 yards of me I saw them both freeze. Jayden and Alex stood as stiff as a board in the knee high snow. I could see both of them sniff the air wildly, pure strain masking their faces.

"What's wrong? Aren't you guys coming in?" I questioned, waiting by the door.

I watched Jayden slowly look at Alex who quickly meant his eyes with fear. Then without much second thought Jayden sprinted towards me, leaving Alex behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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