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I found myself struggling to wake and face each day with the same vigor i had exuded thus far. Leena's declaration about us no longer being together gutted me in a severe way that i found difficult to recover from. I didn't want to believe that it was the end for us but the expression on her beautiful face, the tears gathered in her eyes and the resolution in her stance told me not to hope.

Despair thickened the air around me as i pictured that future, A future without Leena in it. I couldn't. I didn't think i could nor want to exist in a world without Leena. So deep was the depth of my love for her I was thoroughly invested in us. More than anything or anyone else. Perhaps i had become obsessed but LoQuans didn't love like humans did. When we loved it was completely with our entire beings. our bodies and our souls.

It never bothered me that Leena was human, but it did bother me that and none of my people who were willing to follow me wanted her as my queen. Despite knowing how i felt for her. how she made me feel. Now she had giving us up. for them.

 I wished they had felt the same kind of sacrifice  but alas they did not.  it was for the first time i realized how damaged relations between the races truly were. Little did Leena and everyone else know, i was not only campaigning to overthrow my father but i was lobbying to improve the animosity between humans And LoQuans so that Leena and i would have a clear future, Unencumbered by trivial issues such as race 


My former lover Azi had made her own campaign of persuading me to rekindle our old affairs. She had convinced herself that i still desired her. I hated to hurt her feelings but i had only forced myself to love her in a desperate attempt to expel Leena from my heart. Back then I was too young to understand that Leena was meant for me, That her memory and kindness could not be so easily  erased, that there was nothing wrong with wanting her human or not. However the thought that she may have not lived made me too afraid to pursue her whereabouts when i became old enough to do so. So many humans had perished in the sporadic conditions of the world. Only the ones who had been deemed "Plaugued" had a true chance of survival. Sheltered and catered as they were. But then i smelt her scent in the air one morning and I could no longer deny my need and want of her.

Lokkar's Father was  desperately trying to push Azi on me especially after it was clear that Leena and i were no longer together. However he quickly backed off when i told him of Merdia and her delicate state. He didn't to need to know the complete truth of the matter, just that his brothers daughter stood no chance with me in any capacity



I had successfully gained the TurQua's support and our group made the trip back to the mansion where everyone was meant to rendezvous 

Leena had avoided me still just as she had during the rest of their stay in the TurQua Facility. I tried not to be hurt  by it. I wanted to respect and love her more for her indisputable sacrifice but all i felt every second we were estranged was bitter resentment, not at her but everything and everyone else

Lokkar had been especially surly since we departed from his family, i knew he was relieved to have left more than anyone, No one knew better how it felt to be berated and tore down every moment by your own father than me. 

He left quickly to hunt alone as soon as  we made camp that night. Sunset had just began to suffuse the skies with its multicolored glow.

The ever present sounds of the forest surrounded us but no other sounds were present as oi relaxed thinking adamantly of how to persuade Leena to rethink her decision. There were now greater things at stake and i would need to tell her why we can never part ways not truly.

 Suddenly a Thick long LoQuan steel infused arrow pierced the air and landed into Slix' shoulder

He snarled fiercely and stood ripping it from his shoulder whomever shot it knew it would not bring him down it was meant as a warning

Everyone stood brandishing their weapons scanning the trees for the invisible threat 

"SHOW YOURSELF COWRAD!!!!" I roared into the darkening forest

"Prince Xui. I thought you smarter than this" a familiar voice mocked 

I froze as the figure stepped forward. the waning sunlight reflecting off his thick  horns


"She is rather enticing i will admit but not nearly enough to warrant betraying your family, your duty nor your people"

Another LoQuan grabbed Leena, his chest pressed against her back and a dagger placed at her neck

I growled loudly stepping toward him with challenge 

"What would you know? you only married my fathers sister for gain"  i spat nastily  

He chuckled at my words knowing them to be true

"That is true but i do know power and i intend to secure mine with her capture"  he said smiling, his teeth gleaming maliciously

"My fathers sister was a fool to ever desire you"  i snarled raising my sword in defiance

"Perhaps but her foolish love for me insured my position among LoQuan royalty and i  shall fight to retain it no matter the cost"  he growled  flourishing his own weapon

It seemed the battle against his own kin that  Xui had hoped to prolong a little longer had arrived 


 "NO!!!!"  i bellowed running at him savage rage coursing through me as i watched them strike Leena unconscious and carry her away

LoQuans emerged in copious amounts to fight me and Slix. Troy was not much use against them and Lokkar had not yet returned

It was clear that this was an ambush 

Me and Slix urged Troy to go ahead to the mansion incase we did not make it. Then together we drew our swords and  fought. There were not many that could fight as well as me and Slix but where they lacked in skill they made up for in numbers. Not long after we had begun fighting did Lokkar come rushing in to assist

After killin all the warriors, i stepped to my Uncle with a feral fury  i had alwyas felt but toward him and my father but learned to suppress.

Until now

"Where is she?!!" i roared impateintly

He guffawed harshly startling the nearby birds who fled their homes in the surrounding trees

"You want her come for her, Prince" he spat the word with evident envy

I charged at him half mad  with rage 

Just then a charge same as they used before struck at my neck incapacitating me

So they had the human government helping them. Immediately i knew what happened we were betrayed. they knew what we were planning and they knew how i felt for Leena . My only concern as blackness shrouded my vison was if they harmed Leena the wrath i would inflict would make my fathers cruelty seem like children's play.......................................................

What do you think will happen to Leena?

Who do you think it was that Betrayed them?




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